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Corinne Allen

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Everything posted by Corinne Allen

  1. Congratulations - they must have done a job lot, I got mine on Saturday 1st too:)
  2. I received a letter from S Higley yesterday giving me the 'We have considered the OFT's blah blah ....'. He also said that because I declined the 'gesture of goodwill' it was no longer available would not be repeated and would not be increased. What did you do next? Do I fill out the court forms now?
  3. I have just received letter and am going to start proceedings. I'm pretty nervous now but still determined. They have withdrawn their first offer and told me, basically, to go ahead and sue them! I am going to join your buddy scheme now - thanks to everyone just for being here.
  4. I have followed all your advice so far and am claiming £780 from Nat West, I have just received an offer of £220! I am so stunned I'm a bit speachless. I didn't expect to get results so soon after sending letter 2. Not sure what to do next but do I decline? Corinne
  5. Hi Mechs I am not very internet savvy and wasn't sure how to post let alone where, sorry? I have sent your lovely request for repayment letter with schedule and then sent the follow up letter 14 days later when I got no reply. These were to Nat west, so should I be posting there?
  6. I have received my first response today having sent first letter on 14th June, ignored, and second letter on 28th June. They have acknowledged my letter and said they will respond by 24th July 06. My deadline is 12th July should I stick to that? Thank you so much for being here! Corinne
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