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Everything posted by sam_i_am

  1. Thanks CD. If you think it's in my best best interest i will. Who's ICO? Sam
  2. thanks guys... update Just spoken to equifax.. they were of no help... provided me with hfo contact details and told me to speak to them. said if i'm not happy they will contact hfo on my behalf.. I mentioned to them that if they check i have not had any reference to hfo on my file before. they said that they understand but it's the infomation they were given from hfo. I noticed experian has not placed this on my file despite hfo did an original search with them.. tell me whats my next step... and can have this info removed.... i have found original info saying barclaycard sold ths to a company called mercers then later another company. they intern sent me a noa (i think) then it all stopped. help thanks sam
  3. There was orignally a default from Barclaycard on both experian and equifax credit files in 2006/07 then in 2009 when i checked my file i discovered the the barclaycard file was removed from both credit reference agencies. The file became clean and was still clean when hfo sent me a copy of my report. in jan 2011 noticed they have placed a default entry on my file. and i can't check if the default that barclays made on the file cause it was removed. basically it looks like i owe hfo money not barclycard.
  4. Hi all, I haven't been in touch.... Bad few couple of months... New update: I have been keeping an eye on my credit reports. Equifax has reported that HFO have registered a debt that I owe them... The amount is different to all previous correspondance that they have sent me. The only thing that remains the same is the ac/no. The amount alot less than orignally stated. Also i want to know if default starts from 8th default??? I thought it was 6 defaults. I slightly misterfied as to how credit reference agency's allow this to take place, I have evidence from june 2009 of no debt of this being on my file> I noticed that nothing has appeared on experian as yet. Need advice? I think i'm going to contact equifax on monday and make a complaint about this> Also I've done a bit of old filing> unearthed a few documents..... HFO was not originally assigned this debt? it was some other dmc. They have obviously bought the debt from some other dmc. It now states that default was 2007.. I stopped making payments in 2006? I used to ignoring them_ not being funny but i'm not n a position to pay. I don't want to engage in any communication with hfo whether it be verbally or written communication. no sar yet either sam
  5. So whats the next step? Shall I formally lodge complaint to Experian... and I am a member with them and all.. Have u got any standard letters?
  6. Ok i'm reading the link... Does this mean there in breach..for sending me this personal information... I never gave them my consent?
  7. Hi Coledog, Well I think they must of hand delivered it themselves... because the envelope was still wet...Yes the in depth dossier was a credit report from experian... The letter continues by stating... Please find attached your Credit Bureau Report. It is clear that you have sufficient means to make this payment in full. Also, it can be seen on your credit file that you are living with your family at given address. This can be used against you in court of law, as you are not responding to any of the letters. We can offer you the following payment options
  8. Just received an A4 envelope... it's recorded delivery... but no one has signed for it? I have not opened it cause we all know who it's from.. HFO. I don't know how they managed that one...???Interesting.... I should not of received this if they did not send it the correct way..... what should i do guys? any comments...should i post it back????? sam
  9. HI ....Mini update... I've done sar..sent off... HFO called??? Outraged tried to get info from 3rd party if that person they knew me and could they provide them with new contact details???? so they can let me know of a pending legal matter.....In the end the 3rd person just told them it's got nothing to do with them and hanged up.
  10. Okay I'll request a SAR... Just hope Barclaycard don't put debt back on my Credit report ( as there's nothing to indicate that I owe them money).
  11. Ok ... quick update.. I have checked credit reference file of both experian and equifax and no description of Barclaycard default what so ever!!! It's not there at all. So should I still request a sar.. ( not being funny but don't want to re-activate anything) not sure how it works? i'm gonna print credit reference report for future reference. Can HFO still chase monies? I don't think it's statue barred yet either.. it should have another 2 years to go. Advice Please.. And thanks for all the advise already
  12. Okay Thanks.... FYI..... This is the first contact i've ever had with these HFO Service... and no they did not send me a notice of assignment or any personal data? So shall I just ignore and do not respond?
  13. I've had no phone calls... Just recieved a letter yesterday stating they've tried to contact me several times recently with an offer. They state the current outstanding balance is £1844.95. This is not correct at time of default with Barclaycard it was estimate roughly £850-950.00. They want me to fet in touch with them via phone.. I will not do that... They demand that if I fail to get in touch with them the in depth information dossier they are preparing on my current financial situation shall be forwarded to their solicitors with instructions to sue in order to recover debt. Also as i mentioned earlier.. I did a check on my Credit Reference last year and Barclaycard seemed to be removed??? I defaulted on this account some time in 2006 and have never made any payments to DMC's. They claim that I have made payments in the past I have not
  14. Thanks okay... I have made a new thread Cheers Sam
  15. sorry to get in on this... but i received the same letter from HFO stating that i owe them monies from an old Barclay account. Again they also stated that i have payments in the past and i would be unlikely to raise a crediable defence. Normally I just ignore these DMC as they usually just blow hot air. But something tells me that these ones..'HFO' are probably more underhanded than the rest? and gathering by all the threads, they will try and take you to court? I need some help... please... when looked at my credit reference account sometime last year I noticed that Barclays were removed from my account..there was no trace of them what so ever like if the debt did not exsist... now this. the debt owing was originally about £850 - £950.00 now it's £1844.95.. that double the amount in interest.... Due to a really bad situation I defauted with Barclaycard in 2006 Please Help
  16. sorry to get in on this... but i received the same letter from HFO stating that i owe them monies from an old Barclay account. Again they also stated that i have payments in the past and i would be unlikely to raise a crediable defence. Normally I just ignore these DMC as they usually just blow hot air. But something tells me that these ones..'HFO' are probably more underhanded than the rest? and gathering by all the threads, they will try and take you to court? I need some help... please... when looked at my credit reference account sometime last year I noticed that Barclays were removed from my account..there was no trace of them what so ever like if the debt did not exsist... now this. the debt owing was originally about £850 - £950.00 now it's £1844.95.. that double the amount in interest.... Due to a really bad situation I defauted with Barclaycard in 2006 Please Help
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