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Everything posted by Burpingchimp

  1. The car is only 2 months old so I dont see why I should have to get it done on the cheap. If I can prove via witnesses who did it I will be expecting them to pay to have the car repaired at a renualt deal......wouldnt anybody?
  2. My neighbour left there 16 year old son over the weekend and he had a party. I went out to our car, which is parked next to the neighbours garden and noticed their rugby ball next to the back wheel of the car. As it was raining I just threw the ball over the fence, like we do with all their balls that come over into our garden, and thought nothing more of it. On the Tuesday I went to fill my car with petrol (I hadn't driven it since the previous Friday) and noticed 2 dents in the car, one on the roof line and the other in the rear wing. On further inspection they was a white residue at point of contact, the same colour as the rugby ball. It appears that the ball has hit my car and then rebounded off the wall and hit it again!! I went to see my neighbour and she advised me that some other boys turned up at the party uninvited and ended up stealing and damaging loads of her families things. She said she would get one of her friends round to look at the car as he was in the trade. A couple of days went past and then my neighbour came to see me and asked if she could give my number to the father of the boy who went to the party uninvited and caused the damege and stole her things, as he was willing to pay the cost of the damage and replace all her things. I agreed but after a week I had not heard from him. I went to see my neighbour again and she said that she can do without the stress and she would get her friend to come and look at the car with a view to repairing it. That was a week ago. I have had a quote done for the repair from my locar Renault garage (as it is a company car I would expect a Renault dealer to do the repair). The quote came in at just under £1000. I don't expect that my neighbour is willing to pay this. What can I do? Is it worth getting the police involved? Is it not criminal damage? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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