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  1. I have been with Aol, now Talk Talk for over 10 years. I just phoned them and requested a MAC code after doing alot of research on their devious ways of trying to keep you with them, and the unscheduled visits from engineers costing over £100. I am well aware that I am out of contract with them and this is 'definitely' the time to go. Repeated connections drops, sometimes 4 or 5 times in half an hour has been going on far too long, also when incoming calls come through the connection has repeatedly dropped. I might add that this 'never' used to happen when it was just AOL. I was actually more pleased with the 'dial up' connection i had 10 years ago than the rubbish service they are offering me now. Yeah i might have an older router, a Netgear but I actually do not believe this is the problem. I have spoken to their useless customer services and they originally just go through the crap about you using an ADSL filter. I moved the router to the main BT socket over 1 year ago and the problem has just remained the same. They also suggested changing some of the settings on the router and that worked for about a day!! I phoned to obtain a MAC code today and was put through to the Customer Loyalty and Disconnection department (oh the irony !!) and was asked why i had had a 'change of heart'. I assured the lady it wasn't about a change of heart as that would imply emotions were involved. They offer a service through a 'business' and their is only so long you will put up with paying for a 'service' that is totally useless. I just hope I don't encounter the same problem with another company.....will keep you posted. I would recommed anyone to absolutely steer clear of AOL/TALKTALK. Useless ISP
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