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Everything posted by MrJoe2k10

  1. If this is of no interset to you why do you keep adding pointless posts to this thread? I cleared up the fact that I said the number was a Salisbury number in error and the number is actually from Preston. I am sure that we are not scared of Iqor and that we just want to see some justice done to these chancers that could be out there right now trying to rip of unsuspecting people. If these people have outstanding bills then what Iqor is doing is simply scaring them into more debt. Your comments do not help this cause what so ever. I have recieved yet another call from Iqor today which I did not entertain yet again. They are very pushy and persistant and the fact that my ebay fees now currently sit at 0 tells me that these people are definitely trying it on. Still I have no response to my email to Ebay so will update the people that are interested when it happens. for now, bye....
  2. oh I forgot the main one, HOW THE HELL HAVE THEY GOT OUR DETAILS, I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW EXACTLY!!! I will keep trying to find out
  3. No we did not all know this before, not everyone in the world has internet and not everyone is wise enough to expect these things to happen to them. Ok if they say you have a ebay account and you do then you probably do have the internet but not everyone is that well informed. Some people check their emails or facebook etc and thats it. Also I have some other small points and answers I am struggling to find anywhere.... If Iqor really did work for Ebay (I am not sure about anything now) and are under any contracts, would they really risk a contract with such a large world wide organisation such as Ebay by acting in this manner? Is someone pretending to be Iqor here? Iqor have a bad reputation for the way they collect debts are the imposters playing on this? Im very suspicious about this after everything I read. Im gonna keep digging!
  4. i am piecing things together as in.... Building up a picture of what they are doing. Sorry i made a school boy error, yes they are in Preston, definitely, soz. Trust me when I say I have been researching them and reading everyones experiences. slowly its becoming more and more of a scandal.
  5. ok well anyways these people need sorting out
  6. i mean i am a idiot got the area code wrong lol
  7. lol i typed 01722 in google what a idiot lol
  8. I have been reading that they have a 01772 telephone number which I believe is actually Salisbury? slowly piecing things together here
  9. These people are conning innocent people and being aggresive while doing it, I would not appreciate them calling my nan to do the same. I first got a text message 3/4 days ago which said something like: "Please call Iqor on 08451550456 regarding an urgent business matter. or text and quote this reference XXXXXXXXX" I did not call the number or send a text. Instead I type the name into google along with the word [problem]. I quickly found that there is definitely something wrong here and that it is a [problem] so I ignore it. 1 or 2 hours later I get a call on my landline and this is how the convo went... Me: Hello Iqor: This is Jackie calling on behalf of Ebay is it possible to speak to Mr ******. Me: Yes thats me (I have a ebay account so was not suspicious so I said yes. Iqor: Please can you confirm the first line of address and postcode? Me: Gave the 1st line and postcode. Iqor: Can you confirm your date of birth please? Me: Err well, actually where are are you calling from again? Iqor: I am calling from Iqor on behalf of Ebay regarding and outstanding invoice (Iqor? this is who text me). Me: I do not have a outstanding Invoice (I do but want to have some fun) Iqor: Your Ebay account is currently suspended and you have a invoice outstanding for £43.75. Me: No I don't (I did not say this bit.. The invoice has never been £43.75, it was £35.75, I have since found out that it could be a 8 quid admin fee. However I did pay 15 quid of it a 3/4 days prior to these idiots calling me which makes the outstanding amount £20.75) Iqor: Why do you deny that you owe Ebay this money Mr XXXX. Me: Because I don't? Iqor: something like: we know you do Me: I know its a [problem] Iqor: I am sorry Mr XXXX what was that Me: I know its a [problem] Iqor: what makes you say that Mr XXXX. Me: Google? Iqor: We know you owe Ebay this money Mr XXXX, your account is currently suspended and you have feedback score of 172. Me: Anyone can find out my feedback score and if my account is suspended (it is suspended, I dunno where they get their info from though along with all my contact details) Iqor: Why do you deny you owe ebay this money Mr XXXX? Me: Listen, when we started this conversation you asked me 3 data protection questions, I only answered 1 of them. I did not give you my date of birth and you have disclosed the invoice amount and possibly other delicate information, this would be breaching Data protection and anyway you have got my invoice amount completely wrong. I know this is a [problem]! Iqor: Ok Mr XXXX I will terminate the call, thanks. This lady had a split personality, she seemed to switch from passive to aggressive to passive again. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from these people. My advice all potential victims is this, as I have read else where... If you a company money you can pay that company its as simply as that. When someone calls you, ask where from and look out for the quickly muttered words (on behalf of). I have logged into my ebay account today and paid my fees due to a second call I recieved today which I will transcribe below, while I was paying the fees I emailed Ebay to ask if they had referred my account to Iqor, I am awaiting a response. The invoice amount was no where near what Iqor were quoting. The call I got today was from a man whos name I did not manage to take down but here is how the call went: I have recieved 2 missed calls on the mobile in the last 2 days from the same number. My partner answered the landline today and I was sitting right next to her. She answered the phone and smiled and passed me the phone, I smiled back because I knew it was them, time for more fun. Iqor: Is that Mr XXXX? Me: Yes: Iqor: its Joe Bloggs callin on behalf of Ebay can you confirm the first line of your address and postcode. Me: No (In a really strange cant be bothered tone) Iqor: Sorry? Me: Nooo (in a reeally strange cont be bothered tone) Iqor: I need to confirm I am speaking to the right person, please confirm the first line of your address and postcode. Me: Noooo (in a really strange cant be bothered tone) Iqor: Can I ask why? Me: Noooo (in a really strange cant be bothered tone) Iqor: It is quite a serious matter Mr XXXX Me: whats it about? Iqor: I cannot confirm this at this stage I need to confirm you are the right person. Me: I just told you its me? Me: Where are you calling from? Iqor: Preston Me: No which company are you calling from? Iqor: I cannot disclose that information at this stage. I Sniggered laughed and said good bye then hung up!!! They phone me asking to confirm my details and cannot tell me where they are calling from? That is one of the basics of DPA!!! Call terminated! What a bunch of muppets lol !!!! My advice to Iqor is this... If you are a reputable company that really are working on behalf of Ebay then you need to realise that we are indeed customers of Ebay that you are messing with. You say that it is not about customer service and that the matter is serious. It is about customer service, if you want to collect money then you need to go about it a little more politely and learn about data protection and how to use it properly. If I get a email back from Ebay saying that they did pass my details to this disgusting company then I will let you all know and I will close my Ebay account and advise everyone else to do the same! I would also like to say that I think these websites which inform innocent people of this terrible behaviour are a god send. I will also suggest to all my friends that they post their experience as I believe it helps innocent people protect themselves and prepare for things like this. I could go on and on trust! I posted all of the above on anothe site earlier, I now believe that there is more to this. I think that identities could be being stolen and I believe we all need to get together and work out how these guys have got our details etc because we no that the companies they say they represent did not instruct them. By analysing things that we have all done over the past few years we may be able to work it out. Any suspicious activity experienced over the last couple of years? What sites have we all signed up for, has one of them sold our details to these people? Ever had your ebay or email account hijacked? Suspicious home network/computer acticity? been hacked recently? What connections do we all have? Personally I experience various issues, I am signed up with various websites and my ebay account was hacked and recovered/rescued by me, I manage to get it back but that was over year ago. my sons xbox live account was hacked recently and i get keep getting windows Password reset emails, it is as if someone is trying hijack my live account etc. I just ignore them as I figure that its either dodgy or someone is getting their windows live account detais wrong.
  10. how do you know it was Ebay that called you again? explain the convo please I have a simlilar situation, will post it on here in a bit.
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