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Trevor Preece

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Everything posted by Trevor Preece

  1. Well I've lost UMA using my LG GT505 for about a week now. Hitherto it worked almost permanently from about 6 wi-fi sites locally. Then nothing. Can connect to all of the routers fine. But no green for UMA. Rang Orange and the "advisor" had to refer to someone else for every question. All I got is that they don't maintain UMA, and it's not a guaranteed service. In other words "go away and suffer it". I use Eclipse and generally it's fine, and the helpdesk is excellent. But mine is the only router using Eclipse. The others are not. But they worked. Now they don't. And I've not changed anything on my phone. Why have a facility like UMA (VOIP) if it's intermittent? I rely on it West Cumbria.
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