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Everything posted by Wisingup

  1. not yet, thats the next thing, I not too suure who it is, but I not letting it go. I have a mind to go to th local press, BCC treat the people of Birmingham like this when last week, I was reading a news paper that hghlighted the the council are spending thousands and thousands of pounds on taxi's!!!! it makes me cross when I am an honest hard working person tying my best to get by. and bully boys employed by the council are allowed to get away with it.
  2. have also sent an email to a certain CEO at BCC, telling him that this sort of treatment is an outrage and that Equita need to be regulated by their employers.... who are BCC and who pays them...... erm.... we do!
  3. hello all Please find attached the letters sent and received from Equita. You can see clearly that I have asked for a breakdown and not a SAR! think I will have a breakdown at this rate! 20110120132452248.pdf
  4. Terry Good luck with your situation, I too am having problems with Equita, the bailff a nasty peice of work. we have writtent o equita to ask for a breakdown of our account only to be asked for payment for it! Keep going and take the advice you have been given, you will be ok.
  5. right - I will get on it. The bloody nerve of them. can anyone tell me if this is their normal response to requests such as these?
  6. Update grrrrrr Equita have written in response to my letter and asked for £10 to release the information that we have asked for, what a nerve..... do I have to pay it? any help on this would be appreciated.
  7. Jimbo, thanks for your reply, what is irking us at the minute is the fact that this toe-rag did nothing but talk to my husband on the phone, when we tried to talk to the staff at the equita office they wernt interested in the slightest, wouldnt take a payment from us - nothing. they kept saying that we had to speak to a guy called ***** and simply transferred the call, we had no idea who this guy was except he wasnt going away. when speaking to my husband he said that he had people fleeing the country to get away from him and if necessary he would enter the house to take goods, he said all sots to my husband to frighten us and it worked. that was the easiest £157 he must have made ever. when I called hm to ask his surname he then threatendto come to the house to see me and to bring the police as he had the 'Right'. Does Birmingham Ciy Council know how their bailiffs are thretening people who owe council tax - or do they just not care?
  8. hello there fork-it, the card charges are included in the payments he took, my husband was not informed that there would be an additional charge to make the payment by phone, how do we claim back from the bank that part of the payment? Do we have to go to the police and made a complaint?
  9. Having checked my bank statement it appears that they have charged us £2 for taking our payments over the phone.
  10. when we called Equita they confirmed that the payments of £149.23 we made cleared the accoun - so thank fully we owe nothing.
  11. can anyone tell me if this bailff is allowed to charge me what he has for doing nothing? not even a visit? he only took a phonecall?
  12. PT thanks for youradvice, I will do that today. and guess what surprise surprise, the bailiff was outside the front of the house this morning at 6.56am, taking a good look at our cars! no notice put in the front door though so will wait and see waht happens today. Wisingup
  13. sorry my mistake, we made alll of our monthly payments and the outstanding balance at end of Dec was £149 which we had no choice but to pay to the bailiff today, he refused to give a breakdon of his costs saying that if that is a route we want to go down that he be around the house tomorrow. £849 was the figure from BCC, we have no idea what he had charged us for, none at all
  14. hi there i can answer allof your questions; 1 - how much the Liability Order was for £849 2 - how much the Bailiff has charged you to date £157 3 - how much you have actually paid the Bailiff £306.23 1 - how much the Liability Order was for £849 2 - how much is still outstanding - if you know how much you have paid the Bailiff the difference may be revealing £0 paid the bailiff an extra £157 3 - what period of time the LO covers Feb 2009 - Feb 2010 4 - the date they passed it to the Bailiff 4 Jan 2011 there were 2 payments left of £70 and he charged us £157 for taking the payments over phone. we are so sooooo cross, no he has not visited and no he had not levied goods, my husband made calls to him as the account was passed too him the minute Equita's office opened yesterday morning. i am considering making a complaint to the courts. we got nothing to lose and as he was agessive and threatening why shouldnt we?
  15. can anyone please help, only I have spoken to the bailff to ask him name and ID number and have been threatened by him if anyone can offer any advice I would be grateful.
  16. Hello there, I will try and give as much info as possible, we fell behind with our council tax and was taken to court by Birmingham City Council, anyway the long and short of it is that we entered into an agreement for £70 per month for 8 months with the last payment being due in February 2011. We tried to make the Dec payment towards the end of the month and hey presto Equita's office was closed for Christmas, and didnt re-open until yesterday. Hubby called first thing yesterday morning to make the payment of £70 and they refused to take the payment stating that it had been passed to their bailiff for collection and we had to contact him. So we called the bailiff (yesterday) who said that he didnt have the paperwork and we would have to call him today which after several hours of trying to get through to him managed to eventually speak to him. Our total amount outstanding was £140 and he said that we had to pay him £306 or he was coming to collect goods, my husband was in shock, when he spoke to this guy earlier he said that he may be able to waiver his fee and that hubby was to call him back at 4pm to see what he could do, but that was the outcome. Hubby asked him to justify his charges and the reply he received was that if my husband continue to speak to him like that then he would be round in the morning. He demanded a holding fee of £100 and we could pay the rest (i.e. £206) at the end of the month, so hubby paid the £100, he called Equita to complain and was fobbed off basically. I told hubby to call this Bailff and pay the £206 as I am as nervous as hell that this guy will be camped on the door step tomorrow morning with the police, so hubby called him, so as of now a bill that was £140 has INCREASED TO £306. I would like to add that there was no visit, no phonecall, no nothing from this guy, this phonecall cost us £156 all because we were a few days late making a payment and their offices were closed for Christmas. Happy bl**dy new year. What can we do? anything or is that the end of it?
  17. hello the date of the letter was 8 Dec. and can I report them for adding money to my account, which clearly was without explanation as to what the £100 was for? They have written to me twice at a cost of 36p x 2 = 72p.... £100 should cover it? sorry I know I am being crass, just shocked thats all.
  18. Hi I have had a nasty letter in the post today from Capquest stating that court documents are being prepared, that they have done a ccj search at my home and I do not have any (they are correct as I dont) and to boot they have added £100 to the balance. help..... do I just ignore?
  19. I whole heartdly endorse the thanks that Lee has also expressed. Its just such a pity that there arent more people out there who want to help people sort out their debts. xx
  20. I am updating my thread, the good news is that I have entered into a payment plan that works for me and Vodaphone, I am all set up and ready to go. I cannot express my thanks enough to Lee at Vodaphone and all here who have assisted me. The rest now is up to me, I am relieved beyond words, it just goes to prove that it is good to talk! Thank you again
  21. oh gosh, I am sorry, I just copied and paste. thankyu - i will wait
  22. ok - had another response from Vodaphone - and not Lee. I am getting really worried, and not sure whether to panic or not, can someone please assist? I had an email from Vodaphone telling me to contact their Collections Department and now another one (pasted below) which came in on Saturday which tells me to contact Capquest direct? Can someone tell me what I should do as I beginning to feel pretty awful; I can see that your account has been cancelled by the collection team due to non payment on the account. The account is in overdue and outstanding balance on the account is £xxx.xx You account has been transferred to Capquest Collection agency. You can contact Capquest by calling on 08700843510. I trust the above information helps. Kind regards, Help
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