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Everything posted by Fiddlezapper

  1. My friend and I were also taken in by this [problem] - I wish I had of researched them before going. We paid a deposit of £99.98 as was told on the phone that the photos start from £50 each and that if we didn't have a photo we could have our deposit back or put it towards a picture. Little did we know that after the shoot had taken place we would be taken in to a viewing room, shown 84 photos and completely pressured in to purchasing photos on a disk. When we asked the price we were told it was £80 + VAT for ONE photo on a CD, when I said that was expensive, I was faced with "well thats what you expect to pay in Central London" to which I replied "well we had no choice of your location, we were told this was a free experience and could have a photo if we forfitted our deposit." This point the woman got quite snotty with us, accussing us of coming to the shoot with no budget, to which the reply was "well, we weren't informed your photos were £100 each and we were EXPECTED to buy!" In the end we managed to get 5 photos for the price of 2. Then she tried to pressure us in to taking finance out for 12 months to purchase all 84 photos - for which she said she could charge £1000 (£500 each.) Hmmmm...at £100 each, 84 photos should be £8,400 - a nice £7,400 discount. When asked to justify the MASSIVE drop she said it was because we were under 25 (even though I'm not!) Complete [problem] - no consultation with the hair and makeup as promised - ushered in to the shoot and out again robotically, all they are interested in is getting the money out of you for the photos. I had to ask twice for my complimentary drink - I really did not think the "experience" was how it was portrayed it would be on their website. They ask you to give 10 friends names and numbers for which you get an item of makeup (this is how we "won" the "experience". This is asked BEFORE you even have the shoot and definitely before you find out the prices!!!!!! STAY AWAY!
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