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Everything posted by stopthink25

  1. Westmeand Fan Re: Tesco challenge 25 They have the 'Think 25' policy there for a reason, most supermarkets operate this policy to help staff not make an error that could cost them there jobs and screw there lives up with a criminal record. You won't get supermarkets changing there policy and don't forgot they don't have to sell it to you anyway. The simple way is always carry id with you. So what you are saying is if I want to buy alcohol I need to carry my passport with me all the time or pay for a driving license? Just to get a bottle of wine or two in with my weekly shop even though I'm obviously over the legal age (so there is NO risk of a criminal charge to them which they admit!!) No shop has to serve anyone, but really have a look at a lot of forums. People are being refused service because they've said 'hello' to someone they know on the next checkout, or got chatting to the person in front of them while they wait. I'm not pretending I can change the world, but having the attitude that no matter what you do nothing will change isn't going to get anywhere. There are so many different forums and places people are complaining, all I'm trying to do is get everyone complaining in one place. It's a start. electron99 Re: Tesco challenge 25 Far simpler is to boycott supermarket alcohol sales, and go to your local off-licence, where they will get to know you, give advice on purchases, and generally act as if they welcome your custom. I agree with the above, but for us that means two car trips to two different places. Threshers is no longer!! lol.
  2. I am 26 years old, my partner is 31. We were refused alcohol (2 bottles of wine within our weekly shop!) at Tesco and banned from buying alcohol for 24 hours. My partner was paying, but they refused to serve us as I look under 25 and didn't have ID. They also told me I DID look over 18, but as I couldn't prove I'm over 25 they wouldn't serve me. Since when does the law state that you have to look over 25 for the person who is with you to buy alcohol?? If you agree that challenge 25 is completely the wrong way to combat under age drinking, please search for and join Consumers Against 'Think 25 Policy' on Facebook.
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