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Everything posted by lowflyer

  1. Thanks for the quick reply, when I was initially stopped the officer told me that both he and his colleague had witnessed me using my mobile phone. When I explained that was impossible because I was not in the possession of a mobile and after both had satisfied themselves that this was the case by means of a lengthy search of my car including the boot. (How they thought I could get the phone from a 4 door saloon into the boot I don’t know). It was then that they explained that at least that was one less offence I had committed/had to concern myself about, but now there was the matter of my speed. He pointed out the calibrated speedo but did not mention anything at any time about photographic evidence I am sure if they had had some photo evidence they would have checked it to how they could have thought I was using a mobile. I guess I will just have to wait to see if I receive a N.I.P. Thanks again for your replies
  2. Hi I was stopped for speeding, allegedly 68 in a 40 zone. The incident happened in Scotland. The police did not issue me with any documents, or ask me to submit my licence to my local police station but did say that I would receive a court summons. Can you please tell me how long I will have to wait to find out if I am actually going to receive a summons? The method used for detection was some sort of calibrated speedometer in the police car not a laser or radar, can you tell me if this sort of method is reliable. and if there is any point in fighting the case.
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