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  1. Hi Papasmurf Thank you for your reply, my son has done nothing to rectify the situation, he has no work, but talks a lot about paying me back (it will never happen).However time is not on my side,They owe 3 high st banks approx 19.000, i am paying 3 solicitors £10 a month each for computer rental,car loans etc.and various smaller debts totalling £10,000. My daughter found herself with a ccj a year after it was issued , as she had moved back home to complete her treatment, and found her brother had not kept up car payments (this was yet another car). she is having to pay £20 a month. I had to activate a credit card to pay a bank overdraft, not mine and will be in debt to that for years. My husband get disability allowance but that is all we get in the way of benefits, i did not know there were others i may claim . thank you again , apologies for going on. Souza
  2. Hi My son talked his father and i into getting a 30,000 secured loan for his new business in Dec 2007. At the time my daughter was 10 months into chemotherapy and my husband was 4 months into chemo as well, so my resistance was low. However i signed and thought it would be refused due to his illness and age (63). It went through and i have had to pay this ever since as the business folded quickly it is a real stuggle as the repayment is 520pounds a month. Now his illness is terminal and on contacting Central Trust i find he does not have ppi because of his age. They have sent me a copy of the phone recording (but i need a password to activate it). Can any one help with some information, is it legal to loan money to a person in his position at the time without providing ppi? His name is on the agreement but when he is not here i am going to be fully responsible. I have since found thousands of pounds of other bank debt which i knew nothing about and had our joint account closed., which is why i am frantic with worry. Should i declare bankruptcy or look for another solution? idont want lose my home.
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