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Everything posted by hitbackhithard

  1. The true scale of fees being charged by the various collection agencies appears to be grossly high. Let me use CAG's example of the parking fine. Fine cost £120. A visit paid by the collection agency £500.00. Someone is using the current rules and regulations to, on the face of it, extort money from people who can least afford it. The wolves operating in the enforcement sector need to be reined in and not just given a rule framework to operate within but carefully worded legislation so that the fees that are charged are fair and that are truly representative of the actual costs of sending an agent to someones address. Any fee charged in whatever sector of employment should be commensurate with the level and type of service provided. In the case of collection personnel the level of pay need not be more that the national minimum rate. Should they wish to receive a higher salary then perhaps a professional examination, nationally recognized, could be devised before such personnel begin to operate. This is only an opinion. Just a little advice to those suffering from debt problems. The use of a telephone should be avoided when responding to debt collectors or their agents. They record what you say and may use information that you gave but did not mean to give against you at a later date. The chances are you will forget what you said to them whilst they can recall what you said putting you on the defensive. Only respond in writing. You will have the opportunity to keep a record of what you said in your letter for later referral and you will have had time to think of what you wanted to say in the first place. If they call you by all means don't be obstinate and do be polite. All the best to you all APW
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