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  1. No I signed for 1 year. I was just wondering if there were other businesses that had dealings with them as I am just gobsmacked that they can be so bold as to call me demanding money when I know I only signed for 1 year. They have actually put my ad back up on their website. I can only think that they are desperate to make money in this economic crisis they are turning to these drastic measures!
  2. Hi there I am another victim of these advertising scams. I ran my small business for 2 years and ceased trading August 2009. I took out advertising with theatresonline.com in 2008 for 1 year and paid all invoices they sent me. I have now recently received phone calls from them saying I signed a 2 year contract and demanding money from me. When I ask why they are chasing me up now if they think I signed a 2 year contract and they can give me an answer. They have advised that they are running a credit check and will be contacting me again. Can anyone offer advice. Has anyone else had dealings with them? Thanks
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