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Stop them

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Everything posted by Stop them

  1. I've been stung by this lot...twice. Once by Southline Communications, and I vowed never to use a 3rd party phone company again. And recently I had a phone call from 2 Way who promised that they were not like the rest, and stupid me I fell for it again. I feel like such a fool. I am out of pocket by hundreds, I cant even bring myself to calculate the total figure, I am a self employed plumber and I rely on my phone, I cant be without it and they exploit that fact. A lot of my friends in the trade have also been called by various mobile phone companies, all with a different name but the very same sales patter. I think they tend to pursue one man bands and smaller companies as we are more trusting, easier to rip off that the big corporate firms. Having read the posts on here its obvious to me what is going on, they have a stash of pre registered company names, so they can change from one to another when either the unpaid bills rack up or the word gets out or their reputation becomes mud. How many company names have been listed on here? Southline Communications? Walk and talk? Clear talk? 2 Way communications? All based in the Southampton area, all playing the same game, one going out of business after another? Too much of a coincidence, they are a bunch of con artists, ripping off people desperate to save a few quid in a recession. I was changed from Orange to 3, and when I called and explained the situation neither of the mobile phone networks would help me, as far as they are concerned its not their problem. This whole situation is beyond the pale, the networks should not be able to shrug off our claims, okay so I didn't deal DIRECT with 3, but I have been sold one of their products by one of their vendors, I was promised to be brought out of my current contract (8 months) cash back, a blue tooth headset and guess what, all I have got is 2 phones, a bill from orange and a bill from 3 which is higher than what I was quoted. The networks must know what is going on...but all the time they are getting new customers that are stuck in 2 year contracts they couldn't care less. There must be something that we can do as a group?
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