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saturday night drive in

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Everything posted by saturday night drive in

  1. well they bit the bullet and had a new water supply installed to the flat below £3500 the bill one of the owners tried to compromise with us by trying to be nice and offering to work out a solution with the washing but the other partner said get stuffed and he wasent going to do anything for us, so it looks like we are setting up for some legal wrangles, its so sad because we are prepared to compromise but the owner has made it personal against us.as they say what goes around
  2. well the builder turned up today to assess the roof situation as apparently there is a leak, now you will love this turns out our Toilet has a leak and thats whats going through to down stairs and the roof is sound , I love irony, so now the LL will need to fix the Toilet But there is a reason why they are being nice they need to get to our water supply and run a spur to next door because it will cost them £3500 to run a seperate supply to the other flat , funny I thought we could not share water supplies and flats had to have their own , watch this space I smell a bit of Dodgy goings on here
  3. yes im worried that they might try to take up the patio area then try and replace it with a pitched roof, this would fall foul of the planning office but they have already tricked the planning office already when they converted downstairs to a flat (ie buikd it then apply for planning) they then bumped the builders for a lot of money, so they are quite dodgyim thinking that I get what they want to do in writing then contact the planning office advising them of the repair and my concerns. mind you the lot in our local office seem gutless LOL
  4. well heres a turn up for the book , the owner of the building said they would refurbish the patio and give me a wasing area.said that they would do this as it was unwise to take her on in a legal fight ( yeah right you dont scare me ) so an olive branch it might just work out ok after all but I still dont trust them and have asked for all tis to be put in writing
  5. Yes I tend to agree with you but the owner was a little crafty, they sold my flat to the new landlord but claim that they did not sell it with the right to the patio which my back door opens onto even though it had formed part of my tenancy since 1982 , the owner is getting the landlord to give me hassle by claiming that they dont have the right to allow me the use of the patio which they now call a flat roof, and they are in breach of their leasethis is the owners response for not getting planning permission to convert the patio to a pitched roof because we had to use the patio for a fire exit. its basically revenge on us for stopping them making a profit on the flat belowIts a very complicated situation but I feel certain that i still have the right to use the patio for my washing though they have only told me to stop hanging washing but not to use the patio for other purposes ( sitting outside)
  6. Ahh! real sorry, i changed over my e-mail address and i got all confused with my other account, so the easiest action was to sort out another account as i had not used the other for a long time
  7. well they ignored my letter and have now given me 7 days to stop hanging out my washing or they will take legal action
  8. hi thanks for your reply i have invited the rent officer to inspect the property and pointed out this matter to him as well basically they are just trying to pass on the the charge to me remember watchdog on tv this is the same regis company that was causing agro to tenants
  9. hi all im a protective tenant of some 27 years over the last 2 years i have have had 2 new landlords neither of whom have given me any form of tenancy agreement but have just said the old agreement still stands now the rent assesemant officer has sent me the usaul form informing me of my rent increase ( every 2 years no problem) however the landlord is trying to put the rent up under the guise that they provide a service ( when i complained they said they ticked the wrong box) but because he gets charged by the owner of the building £ 870 per year insurance and maintenance, and admin charge this is good reason to pass this cost onto me, the fact that they have done bugger all to the property really winds me up i know the rent officer has to inspect the property but can a new landlord inflick some sort of maintenace charge upon me? i have never paid any sort of charge the whole 27 years i have lived in the house
  10. ok enlightened ones i will try to explain i have always paid my rent to the old LL on the 20th of the month for that month so if the rent is due say on the 1st of May i would pay on the 20th for that month (May) the new LL took over on the 24th of May i paid my rent on the 20th of June but he says i owe him rent from the 24th of May to the 24th of june so on paper it looks like i owe 1 months rent but i dont because i have paid contiually for years on the 20th do you see what im trying to explain, sorry im not very good at this
  11. ok so heres the latest my new landlord says im a months rent behind though i paid my rent 2 days before the new land lord took over. so basicaly the old land lord has my months rent instead of passing it to my new land lord. I said to my new land lord that he would need to get this back from my old land lord but my new land lord says its not his problem and its down to me to get it back and pay him so where do i stand now????
  12. im sort of in a funny situation one person owns my flat and somebody else owns the botom one below me, my main concern is i used to pay my rent which was due from the first of each month for that month, but the new landlord now gets paid on the 24th of each month so it overlaps into next month so on paper it looks like i am a months rent behind for which im not as i have paid for that month its difficult to explain but they are trying to get an extra months rent out of me even though i paid the old landlord
  13. i had some sort of notification that they had brought the property and that they would now be my new land lord but as yet i have not been given any new tenancy agreement mainly because i was told that the old tenancy agreement in place cannot be changed because of its protective power so to speak, every body including housing departments have informed me that I basicaly have any new land lords over a barrel and that they cannot draw up another agreement. any way in answer to your reply yes i agree with what you say but whats happening is that although i have paid my rent contiually and not missed a month they say that i owe them 1 months rent even though i have paid contiually . do you understand what im getting at? sorry its a bit confusing
  14. i moved in around 1982 i have a protected tenancy as well my new LL is part of that regis group that was on watchdog but as yet have not caused me much bother apart from this money thing in the past i paid my rent on the 20th of the same month because that was when i got paid so i have paid like this for years but because they took over on the 20th they say i owe rent for that month i suppose in a way the landlord acually owes them the rent from the 24th to the 31st
  15. I have been a tenant at the same address for 20 years however the property was sold and i have a new landlord, I pay my rent every month on the 20th for that month, my new landlord took over on the 24th of the month. my new landlord then sent me a bill on the 24th of the following month for a months rent but i had in effect paid the months rent on the 20th, i pointed out to him that I had paid the rent and if any money was owed to him it was from my old land lord, he said it was down to me to get the money back from the landlord and then to pay him, is this true?
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