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Everything posted by Lisarw24

  1. Can anyone give me some advice as to what to put in the letter these people are hounding me at work and i can't stop them calling me!!
  2. Thanks for all your help i'll do it tomorro x
  3. The balance i think was around 550 pounds an i think i paid around 300 off it in i think november 2002. As it was so long ago i have no idea what the debt company was. I'm trying to get bank statements from the bank i was with then but i have a new bank now so its a bit difficult. The debt company who have contacted me are roxburghe on behalf of hfo capital limited. Thanks for taking the time to look at this for me i'm really confused as to what to do!! x
  4. Hi i'm just after some advice really. I had a barclays account and a barclaycard credit card in 1998 whilst at university. I missed some payments on the credit card and eventually i was contacted by i think a debt company in 2002 who made me an offer to pay i think 2thirds of the debt an the rest would b cleared. I did this and thought nothin else of it until i received a letter from a debt company today saying i owe over double the original balance an no record of me paying anything. I am now being threatened with court and i'm certain i paid what they asked. As it was so long ago i have no proof of payment and its my word against theirs!! Does anyone have any similar stories or advice?? I'd be so grateful. Thanks x
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