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  1. Hi, did you ever get any explanation over this? I'm with npower and also live in a 2-bed flat. After numerous problems with a pay-per-use meter, we finally got switched to a billed system, which for the first quarter was £104. We have just got the latest bill in which is £554! For one of those 3 months there was only one person living at the property, we have no central heating, and have probably barely used any heating, if at all, since April due to the hot weather. The bill claims we have used 3115kw/hr of Daytime minutes (when there is VERY rarely anyone in the house in the daytime) and 800-odd Nighttime minutes. This seems really odd to us. But... Our flat is above a hairdressers, and we wonder if the meter we are being charged for is ALSO including the hairdresser's usage and noting it as the same property somehow? Is there anyway this could be checked? Also, maybe we're barking up the wrong tree and this isn't as abnormal as it sounds to us - any advice would be thoroughly appreciated, thanks!
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