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Everything posted by eyeflingpu

  1. Hi, We're going through the same thing. Had a debt with welcome finance in 2003 and HFO have apparently bought said debt. It now stands at 11000 pounds which is obserd to say the least. We've had no contact with them until a letter last month saying they we're going through litigation. As of yesterday morning we received court papers stating that they want 225 pounds in this action being instalment arrears. Why would they not just take us for the whole amount? We dont want to pay this as it would mean we accept this is our debt. We dont agree with the 8000 pounds in interest that they have applied to the debt. I just dont know what to do. We live in ccheshire and theyve gone to northampton courts.
  2. The same is now happening to my partner he had a 3 grand loan with welcome finance in 2003 he lost his job and was unable to claim off the insurance he took out with the loan now he's getting harrassed by hfo saying he owes 11110.00 odd number I know. We had a 72 hour litigation notice through the post yesterday and now we don't know what to do they've called us non stop for a month now and have called his work leaving messages and now they've got hold of my mobile number which is a down right cheek I've got nothing to do with this debt. It's to the point now that we don't answer the phone. Any advice on what to do anybody?
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