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Everything posted by zedcor

  1. Many thanks for the very quick replies guys, my worry has now eased considerably. Antone...It hadn't even crossed my mind that the letter had been computer generated but all becomes clear now. Thanks for the offer but I'll decline the explanation of the ins and outs. I'll get my new application sorted tomorrow. What we would do without the internet, great forums like this and you guys, I don't know. Thanks again.
  2. Hi Wasn't sure whether to start a new thread so hope it's ok to ask my questions in this one. My history, Failed the ESA medical about 15 months ago now and failed again at the tribunal a bit over a month ago. After reading through this and other threads it seems that I can make a fresh claim for ESA with the same medical as long as it's more than 6 months since the failed medical. I mentioned this to my GP and she thought that things had changed and this was no longer the case. Surely she's mistaken as you guys are the experts on this and not her? The letter that I received informing me of my failed tribunal is as follows but it's just a bit confusing. The bulk of the letter is straight forward enough and as expected but can anyone shed any light on the bit that I've underlined as it totally contradicts what they have already said, ie, that the tribunal has upheld the original failed medical decision? They’ve also enclosed the leaflet 'INF1 (JSA)10/11 Jobseekers Allowance, Disagreeing with a decision' which baffles me even further as I haven't received JSA for many years as I had been working before losing my job and then receiving ESA. Is it simply the case that they've just made a right balls up of this letter? Any advice would be very much appreciated
  3. Hi I've searched for information on this but cannot find any answers. I subscribed to an online dating site 6 days ago but since then I've encountered some money problems and really cannot afford this subscription now. Under the DSR's would I be able to cancel this service? Their T&C's state the following. Any help and advice would be very much appreciated.
  4. Yes, sorry, I was aware of the bold print but it just wouldn't edit. I think it must have been something to do with copying my original post into word then pasting it back into here. Hoping it's more readable now. I've just returned from the courts. I rang the ESA at 9am to ask if anything had happened with my second appeal and request for a postponment of the tribunal and they said that I must attend this morning and discuss it with the court/panel. Whilst waiting to go into my small claims hearing I received a call from the court usher telling me that my second request for a postment of the ESA tribunal had been accepted and I would hear from them in due course to when the new date would be. I was then called into the court I hour late with regard to my small claims case. The sitting Judge said that the defendant hadn't turned up giving an excuse of him apparently breaking down on the motorway. This is the second time that he hasn't appeared with an original excuse of lack of notice to the date of the hearing and family/easter bank holidays. The judge will now write to him requesting evidence of his apparent breakdown on the motorway. If this evidence isn't forthcoming he wil more than likely rule in my favour. It's a big relief to be back home and to be able to relax a little.
  5. 1. Monday morning 11/7/11.I'm due to have my ESA hearing on friday morning but I've made a mess of things as I'm at the same court 1 1/2 hours earlier for a small claims hearing that I must attend. I've tried to put the ESA hearing out my mind and have barely read the letters that I've received and have mistakenly thought that the letters with the court info and time and date were for the small claims hearing. I only discovered my mistake on Sunday evening whilst looking at the small claims hearing information. I managed to ring the ESA people up and try to explain my mistake. They told me to email them which I did but I haven't had a reply yet. The anxiety is terrible now not knowing what's going on and hoping they can put back my ESA hearing. I'm visiting my GP in 35 mins to hopefully and desperately get a supporting letter at the very last minute. Any help and advice would be very much appreciated. leemack and honeybee...many thanks for your help, advice and stickies. I've just found out that my request for a postment has been turned down. Small claims hearing is scheduled at 10am on Friday which I must allow 1.5 hours for (I've provided all information of this to the ESA) ESA tribunal hearing scheduled at 11.20 am at the same court. I really don't know if It'll be possible to make it to the ESA tribunal. 2 court dates on the same morning is really hard to bear. As advised by the helpful girl at the ESA I've now appealed this decision for my postment request which will now apparently go to the Judge that will sit at my tribunal. Since my GP has just gone on her hols the only assistance that I've managed to get is copies of all of the letters that have been exchanged between my GP, my psychiatrist and the other professionals involved with my treatment over the last 3 years.(depression/anxiety). I must admit to being partly resigned to my fate even though I will attempt to compile a statement to the court using honeybees' excellent template. It's so annoying as this is a genuine mistake on my behalf and certainly isn't an attempt at delaying tactics.
  6. Many thanks for your rapid reply and your excellent sticky.
  7. Can anyone please confirm if this is correct as it would also ease my worry a little if I'm unsuccessful at my tribunal. Thanks
  8. Re, my crazy hijack...will start another thread to avoid confusion. Apololgies...Thanks.
  9. I was under the impression that the written submission and supporting letters had to be provided no later than 7 days before the hearing? I'm due to have my ESA hearing on friday morning but I've made a mess of things as I'm at the same court 1 1/2 earlier for a small claims hearing that I must attend. I've tried to put the ESA hearing out my mind and have barely read the letters that I've received and have mistakenly thought that the letters with the court info and time and date were for the small claims hearing. I only discovered my mistake on Sunday evening whilst looking at the small claims hearing information. I managed to ring the ESA people up and try to explain my mistake. They told me to email them which I did but I haven't had a reply yet. The anxiety is terrible now not knowing what's going on and hoping they can put back my ESA hearing. I'm visiting my GP in 35 mins to hopefully and desperately get a supporting letter at the very last minute. Thanks for any help and advice, I really appreciate it. Sorry for hijack will create my own post.
  10. hi everyone, some advice please would be very much appreciated... I ordered some goods to the value of £915 using an online site. I've made an error with buying the goods as they aren't suitable for my purpose so I would like to return them and get a refund, ie, applying the distance selling regs etc. 9 days after ordering the goods and 8 days after receiving them I emailed the seller asking if it would be possible to get a refund and I also asked them for a return address. They said that they would send out a 'return form' and after I signed it and returned it to them they could then arrange collection. A further 7 days after they told me they would send out a return form I told them that it had not arrived. They blamed the delay on the post office but low and behold this form arrives on my doorstep the next day. I strongly suspect that this was a delaying tactic by them in order to push my return past 14 days. The form states the following, I have been back on their website and there is no mention what so ever of this 15% charge during their checkout process. There was also no 'terms and conditions' box that I had ticked without reading them. The only place the 15% is mentioned is on a supplemental piece of paper that came with my invoice but there is certainly no mention what so ever of the 15% on the invoice. I wouldn't mind if there was a 5% charge but 15% is pure extortion as this amounts to almost £150 !!! What absolutely takes the biscuit is that they're asking for a further admin charge of £6.50 to cover their costs for sending out the bleep bleep return form !!! I would be extremely grateful for any advice. thanks
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