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Posts posted by pinkgems1000

  1. It really is a scandle. I can not tell you what to do although i would want to get revenge. Discredit have no doubt charged you completely illegal charges (£100 per letter by any chance) and if it were me i would be stopping all payments until they can provide a break down etc. As for QQ let them pass the debt on and the try to negotiate a lower settlement.


    I will be glad when it is all done and paid with.


    I have certainly learnt my lesson and I can't believe it all started because I wanted to go out that weekend and it just stemmed from there.


    I know it takes up over half my monthly salary but in a few months the nightmare will be over :)

  2. I am worried that you have been screwed for charges and penalties. You are paying a huge amount out and i suspect that you could get big discounts if you offered full and final payments. I would contact each company and ask for a full statement of account and work out what you borrowed and how much you have now repaid.


    I totally agree that I have probably been screwed especially by payday overdraft, minicredit and a few others but I was so worried that they were going to come to my house or take me to court.


    I wish I knew then what I know now.


    The only good thing is that only a couple more months and at least half of these loans will be clear :)

  3. Hello,


    I am hoping to move out from my parents soon as I would like my own space.


    I do not have very good credit I believe my credit score is about 430.


    I have 6 defaults on my file dating 2010.


    Originally I was think about renting but a couple of friends at work tell me I would be better off buying.


    Can someone tell what is the likely chances of me getting a mortgage?


    Can anyone recommend any mortgage companies?


    How much will I need in savings.


    I have been looking at studios as it will be only me and they range £110-£120k





  4. Can you lay out exactly what PDL's you have. Who with? Original amounts and amounts repaid towards each loan.


    Are you struggling with other debts and what income do you have?


    Have to filled in the I&E form to see exactly what you are spending?




    My payday loans are:


    Fancyapayday - £60 a month

    Capital Finance One - £6 a month

    Quick Quid

    Wonga - £120 a month

    Monkey Dosh - £40 a month

    Minicredit - £50 a month ( now with Fredpay )

    Pounds Till Payday - £40 a month ( now with clarity )

    Payday overdraft - £82 a month


    If I am honest I can't remember what the original loan amounts were.


    All I know what my current balance is for each payday loan and what my repayment is every month.


    These payday loans were taken out in late 2010 and early 2011.


    The majority of the loans will be paid in full by April 2013.


    It is just this Quick quid one, I have been trying for well over a year to sort out an arrangement. I have been waiting for this to go to a debt collection agency but nothing. If they had given me their bank details when I first asked for them in 2011, this loan would be paid off by now.


    Also has anyone noticed on the QQ website that you can now make payments online, you can make full and partial payment. Just wondering if anyone has made payment using this?





  5. Hi stick at em tell them by email only that you cannot afford that loan and that they must help you with a lower payment plan say for a year .don't ever phone them and keep all your emails as evidence and in cases where people do refuse to pay the agreed sum qq will send it to a dca but sometimes this is better as you can negotiate a lower plan .never give up keep at it and insist on a pay plan you can afford and if they become stroppy tell tham you will report them to trading standards ..good luck


    Thanks for your advice.


    I don't answer when they ring me numerous times throughout the day but everyday they email I just state I can only afford £50 a month which I think is reasonable.

  6. Hello,


    I have had a number of payday loans in the past year or so which I am paying off on a monthly basis, acouple of which are nearly all paid off.


    I took a loan with QQ and I owe just over £1200.00. This loan is from 2011.


    I have tried on numerus occasions to set up an arrangement but we could not agreed on anything.


    At the moment I have a plan in place where I pay £150 a month and I informed them at the time that this will be a stretch for me and I will do my best.


    I was unable to make this payment as my hours were reduced at work.


    I have tried to negioate a further plan something I can afford but they tell me they can't cancel the plan.


    I had a live chat a few days ago and they told me they could sell my debt at anytime.


    Can someone explain to me what this means "sell my debt" and will I be better off?


    This is the only payday loan company I have had trouble with.


    Thank you



  7. hi hope you dont mind me asking a question about wonga on this thread but not sure where to put question! we have had a wonga loan for a few months now, and have either paid in full and then reloaned again! or had an extension, but due to circumstance change, wife seriously ill, i am going to be unable to pay even the extension due on 19th, if i move my wages into another account so they cant take anything, would they still keep trying to take some money from the card details they have? even though my bank should decline as i have no overdraft facility, i dont think they will enter into a repayment plan until after due date has passed can they? also if i cancel my card, lost card!! can they still take from new card? will it automatically roll over to any card attached to the bank account? any help most welcome, also how can i stop them ringing my workplace??


    Sorry to interupt your thread, did you ever receivea welcome letter from wonga?

  8. Gemma,


    I've checked their website and noticed that they say they send out welcome letters to new customers - but again, I and several others never received anything from them. However, one person on a forum that I looked at this evening said that they did get a letter (forum post was from 11th June this year) containing some T's & C's and that the envelope had a small Wonga logo on it. Apparently it didn't contain anything pertaining to the financial side of the loan (value, duration etc), so maybe you could dismiss it as marketing junk mail?





    Just seen your reply, thank you

  9. I think with Wonga you are safe on that front. It defiintely wont be on the outside of the letter either way. The only ones that sent an unwelcome welcome letter to me were payday express (who continue to send me offers now even though I asked them to close my account when I settled with them) and Payday UK


    I really hope so it was just a silly thing I did - i wish i never applied for it now.

  10. Hi - have been clearing the majority of my payday loans with the help of my father, and after a lot of persistence I have managed to get Wonga to send me a settlement figure. It seems reasonable to me, as it works out to be less than the original loan + 1 months interest, which is what I have been attempting to get all of them to settle for. Here is the offer, which came via E-mail. Assuming they will accept payment by bank transfer, I am leaning towards accepting it and paying them in full. Would appreciate any feedback from those that have dealt with Wonga as to whether this is a good deal for them, and if they can be relied upon to honour it. Here is the E-mail offer I received - Thanks in advance for your help :) (Original loan was £1084 and I had previously had probably 20+ loans with them all repaid on time)





    We appreciate you getting into contact with us about your loan, we have taken a look into the matter and this is what we have come up with.


    Our Finance team has generated a once off settlement balance, given your current balance of £1579.33 to date and account in arrears - £1184.00 is what will be accepted as settlement of the loan. This offer is valid until 19 September 2012.


    Could you please respond with confirmation that you accept the terms above?




    Hardship Team

    PO Box 66147


    NW1W 8PF


    Our office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm so please do not hesitate to get in touch.


    Kind Regards,

    Hardship Team


    [email protected]


    That seems pretty good since some of these payday companies charge ridiculous amount of interest ie payday overdraft - took a loan out for £150 and ended up with a balance of £2600

  11. Sorry I see what you mean now - no I never made a payment on this loan, so agreed I think its very fair. Presumably an E-mail such as the one I pasted above is okay as far as proof of arrangement? I will be paying by transfer so they wont have any debit card details to re-attempt anyway, plus I think Wonga are not as bad as the others as far as that kind of thing goes, at least thats what I heard?


    Sorry to interupt your threadbut did you ever receive a welcome letter from wonga?

  12. Gemma,


    For info, I have never received anything in the post from Wonga. I'm not sure what would happen if you defaulted on a loan but in all the time that I have been a customer, they have never sent me anything in the post, preferring instead to do all of their business via email.


    I'm not sure if someone can advise if they have changed their policy and now send out letters, but from my dealings, I have never had one.





    Thank you, apparently they send a welcome letter which i am tring to find out if they actually do or not.


    I took out a small loan which I will be paying back at the end of the month but I am worried about this welcome letter.


    I don't want my partner to see it, am worried the wonga logo will be plastered all over the envelope.


    I have asked a few people but no one has ever received a welcome letter.

  13. So my payment to wonga of £1387 is due on the 5th of september and i havent contacted them to say that i cannot afford this repayment as i dont currently have a parachute account. I have cancelled my bank cards and got new ones so that should stop them taking it.


    How should i go about asking them for a repayment plan? i was goin to offer a token payment of £87 on the 5th september and then offer them £150 per month until the debt is clear any1 no if they likely to accept this??


    any advice would be greatly appreciated


    Hi there, did you receive a welcome letter with wonga? If you did, did it have the wonga logo on it?Also how long did it take to receive the letter?



  14. [email protected]. I have found them ok to deal with on the phone and they have always confirmed repayment plan by email straight after the phone call. I have repayment plan with them which is nearly finished now thank goodness. Have had to change dates a few times now but never been a problem. Good luck


    I recently took out a loan with wonga which i can pay back no prpblems, i read that they send you a welcome letter, can anyone tell me if it says wonga anywhere on the envelope as i dont want my partner to find out i took a loan out with wonga.


    Any help would be great


    Gem x

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