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Everything posted by Sianainne

  1. Thanks to everyone who posted on here. I was contacted by them after deciding I might have a chance at being a model. Naturally, my confidence was greatly boosted after hearing from them and after receiving the package saying I had been accepted. Luckily, I haven't sent them any money after looking up advice for models which advised me to check out the company to see what other people had to say. If I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have found this and realised the whole thing was [causing problems] my boyfriend (who wanted to pay the fee for me) out of 120 quid for the "3 years cover" [problem] that everyone else keeps talking about. Naturally, I'm put off ever pursuing this as a career now, having been lied to this way. Hopefully this company will be put out of business SOON and they get what's coming for them. Only difference I had from everyone else's story is I spoke to mandy, who insisted this was a "Govt controlled agency". That alone made me nervouse and set off alarm bells. I'm, understandably, FURIOUS with these people and really feel like phoning up just to let them know I've caught them out before they can take any money off me or my boyfriend. But again, thanks everyone for making me aware of the [problem]. Much appreciated by us xx
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