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  1. my bank told me that cancelling a debit card is not 100% and there is a loophole that lets these companies continue to take money from a cancelled card cause you have authorised them,it acts like a subscription,a find it shockin and i am pursuing it further. av also left this link on another thread ,do yous think this is the same james keeble of cfo,looks familiar to me. The Courier - Pele shirt fraudster James Keeble's £18,000 con
  2. hi i am avin terrible problems with them,you can get them on 08432164323,cancelling your card doesnt work they still managed to get payments from my cancelled card 4 wks later,i have had to block my account,i have contacted financial ombusdman as well and also got my bank to put through a debit card dispute which can take upto 3 months,my advice would be if u have used them get all ytour money out your account or they will sting you.
  3. i am in exactly same boat,taking money from a cancelled card for a loan that doesnt exist,they have been reported to fraud by my bank,i also managed to speak to them and they are cheeky and arrogant,try this number08432164323,when they answer youd think youd called someones house al they say is hello,something very dodgy about them.
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