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the boys mummy

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Everything posted by the boys mummy

  1. Thankyou Nightowl, After speaking to friends and family and most of them telling me the same thing I've decided to seek advice from a solicitor as like you said you would think that they would have to prove your not pregnant to carry out a procedure like that. Thanks for your kind words:)
  2. Hi everyone, I am knew here and quite honestly don't know where to turn and would love to hear other peoples opinions and advice as I might be a little bit biased to the situation at hand because I am in emotional turmoil. Let me explain, (and I apologise for anyone who thinks its a bit too graphic but I need to explain) It all started with an abnormal smear result which meant I was referred to the Colposcopy clinic for a biopsy, the results come back and showed I needed the Lettz procedure. Anyway whilst all this was going on I stopped taking my pill because I just didn't feel I needed any kind of chemicles in my body at that time upsetting results whether they could or couldn't effect results, I just didn't want to take any risks. So in the mean while me and my partner were extremely careful as neither of us want any more children at this particular time. Anyway the appointment for my Lettz procedure come thru for 7th June, bearing in mind my last natural period was 1st May I gathered I would be on my period at this time and did not want to rebook appointment as I have a holiday booked and the recovery period between this appointment and the holiday would be just enough time to be able to enjoy my holiday. So I started taking my pill to postpone my period which the doctor in the colposcopy clinic totally agreed with. So the 7th June come along and I had the procedure done under a local, which was quite traumatic anyway. I left there and have been in recovery ever since thinking no more about it untill tuesday just gone. On Tuesday afternoon I started getting dreadful backpain, I just ignored it and got on with what I have to do as a mum to 2 boys and one of them being 2 years old I have my work cut out. Come the next morning the pain had gotten worse and was in my stomach and tops of my legs and all round my back so I had to call a doctors for an appointment. Not even an hour later I was at doctors and explaining to the doctor all the pains and told her that I had also started bleeding alot. Convinced this was something to do with the Lettz procedure I kept explaining my symptoms but the doctor felt my back, made me touch my toes and told me it was just a bad back and sent me away with 100 co dydramol tablets for the pain. Next afternoon the pains got worse for about half an hour before I passed what I and my partner believe to be a gestational sac and something else also feel down the toilet (sorry not nice I know). As soon as this happened all the pain just stopped, I could walk again and sit still without any pain. After explaining what had happened to my mum and abit of googling I come to the conclusion that I had just had a miscarriage. I rang the doctors surgery as soon as it opened the next morning and spoke to my doctor again and she confirmed that it would have been a miscarriage from what I had discribed and advised me to stay at home and rest and signed me off work to recover and told me to go to a and e if the bleeding gets anyworse. She also explained that the Lettz procedure most probably has caused me to have an uncomplicated miscarriage. I had no idea what so ever that I was pregnant, it was only after that I realised I had been feeling a little icky in the mornings but had put it down to stress and my body trying to heal. My problem now is that I am faced with the biggest guilty concience ever, as I said me and my partner were very careful as we don't want more kids at this time but I would never have an abortion, I am so utterly against them and I accept miscarriage is a natural process what can not be helped sometimes but in this case I feel sick to the stomach that having the lettz procedure probably killed my baby, i've never miscarried before and had 2 healthy pregnancy with 2 healthy babies at the end of it and I am eternally grateful for that. It is a very hard thing to come to terms with and probably not the right way to look at it but I can't help but dwell on it. Should the doctors in the colposcopy clinic have done any tests for pregnancy or any tests at all for that matter as standard procedure before carrying out the lettz? Had they done that this would never have happened! This just doesn't seem right and I can't help but blame myself now. I don't know where I can go for any advice or to even complain as I feel like maybe I will be a hinderence and just be laughed at, which I wouldn't physically be able to cope with at the moment or do I just sit quiet and learn to accept it? Sorry to drag on I am not usually so depressing honest! Thanks in advance for any responses xx
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