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  1. I did look at this last night but got a bit lost. The problem is that I can't afford to go back and can't afford the costs of hiring a company to do it for me(bankruptcy). Useless and broke springs to mind... Perhaps the 'power of attorney' option asking a friend in the UK to represent me may be one option..
  2. Sorry ozzyboy, my mistake. Yes it was last year, December 2009 when I came to Brasil. When I left the UK it was very fast. I literally packed up and walked out the front door, locked it up and 'down to Heathrow'. With wife and baby.. I was speaking to my mother prior to posting on this thread and she says is worried about leaving the house to me in her will due to the house debt in UK and about 5-8 other debts. She mentioned that while I am unemployed here in Brasil, that it would be a good time to look in to bankruptcy. I probably left the UK owing approx: N/Rock House loan £170,000 + HSBC £3000 and some others accumulating to about £10,000.. Although the house loan is out of N/Rock jurisdiction in Australia, they could still sell the debt on which would then haunt me in the future as I want to set up back home in Australia. It would annoy me to lose the family home further down the line.
  3. Hey all, Am reading this thread and it is similar to my predicament. I left the UK in Dec 2010. Am in Brasil and just about out of cash now. Paid for ticket back to Oz though and heading home after 10 years there and 6 months here... Problem is, I got a 110% mortgage just before the crash, in the UK around September 2008 . Go figure. So I have been advised to go bankrupt as they can still chase me in 15 years time, and if, god forbid, something happens to my parents, goodbye family home. Would this be a reality all to tyrannical to bear??
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