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  1. Heliosuk, Thanks for letting me know how and when the warranty begins. Just goes to show that my training wasn't up to scratch !! Daveyboy996, Let us know how you get on when you go to the Dealership. Looks like you are getting lots of useful info here.
  2. Hi Heliosuk, Just to confirm, the 3 year warranty starts at the point of registration as Ford are fed the information from AFRL and start the warranty themselves.
  3. Hi, I work used to work in Sales Admin for a Ford Dealership in Dorset and it was not uncommon for the Sales Manager to ask us to register cars that have yet to be delivered, even if the customer has not been told that the car has been delayed. (a practice I do not agree with) Unfortunately, once a car is registered it is nigh upon impossible to get the DVLA to de-register the vehicle and the car sits there on the plate that it has been given. As for when your dealership will get the car can be difficult to judge. The 'system' will give an estimated delivery date however Ford Motor Company can change this at their will due to build delays, shipping problems. However, you should push the Sales Manager to call Ford and push the delivery through, which can be done. This will decrease delivery by a few days. As for your 7 days Ford Insure, don't worry it can be started again once the car is delivered. As for the warranty, you need to make sure that your Dealership give you a free 3 month warranty to begin when the Ford Warranty ends. Also, i'm unsure as to why you were told your car is in a compound in Scotland if it was 'just built in Germany'. New cars are shipped to the South East Coast and then delivered to the dealerships from there. I know it is a mute point now but you shouldn't have paid the balance until the car was delivered and inspected by you. I expect you were asked to pay early to complete the Sales Persons / Managers monthly targets. As for cancelling the order and getting a refund, I would expect that to be a major battle. I may not have helped a great deal but I hope that I have given you a bit more information.
  4. Little update on my situation with LBL. I called and advised them of my intention of Bankruptcy. They said 'you cannot include this debt in the petition and have to continue paying'. They must think I just fell out of a tree !. They requested I faxed them proof that the car is broken so I sent them the AA report from when I was towed which states 'cambelt broken'. Received a call back requesting that I pay a mechanic to provide a written quote for the repair which I need to send on to them. They also want a written explantion as to why I cannot afford the £1k to get the car fixed. All this to get permission from them to scrap the car and for LBL to receive the scrappage proceeds. Anyway, contacted my Insolvency Practitioner who advised to tell them to politely go whistle. As i am due to go Bankrupt in the next 6 weeks, the Official Receiver will decide what to do with the car. He may just tell LBL to take it, or may ask me to scrap it, send him the scrappage proceeds which he will then use to pay my debts with my creditors on a pro rata basis. Let me tell you that LBL are not the largest of my debts so will not be receiving much money !. To advise, my decision to go Bankrupt is due to me trying to deal with my debts over the past decade but always failing. My OH and i recently had a new baby who was born with Cystic Fibrosis and I have to say it opened my eyes to how fragile life can be, so for the future of my family I feel that Bankruptcy is the best way forward. Morally I know that I should take however long it takes to repay my debts but that would take another 20 years, hence my decision.
  5. Trooper68 No, I haven't challenged the loan and it is this and other debts which are leading to my Bankruptcy. I did think about fighting my corner so to speak, but the debt with LL will be cleared with the Bankruptcy so saw no point in doing battle with them. CCTV Engineer The car is a 51 plate Renault Scenic. If I call LL and tell them the car is fixed, will they not just come and take it as I am no longer making any payments to them ?
  6. Long time reader, first time poster ! I have an outstanding Logbook Loan and am soon due to file for Bankruptcy. The cambelt has gone on the car and as it is going to cost c£1k to fix I have decided to scrap it. LL have advised that I cannot surrender the car to them as it is no longer road worthy. I still have the V5 for the car but would like to know if I can scrap it without having to get LL to approve it. I would appreciate your advice.
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