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Everything posted by mousse-t

  1. Several of my debtors are requesting medical reports due to my ongoing inability to work. Obviously I am short of funds and have written countless letters and filled in many financial statements to support this however several are now asking for medical reports. My GP will charge for this service and I can not afford to pay for them, can I tell them to get lost?
  2. Things have moved on since my last post and i have had my disciplinary meeting. At this meeting I raised my own grievance for disproportionate punishment and racism against me and now have to attend another meeting tomorrow to give my statement. The stress is becoming too much and affecting my health. I want to leave before my career is permenatly damaged and will go for constructive dismissal. Do I look guilty if i quit now? :cry::cry:
  3. yes i have the 'statements' though there are 3 very casual hand written notes that HR have compiled and 2 submitted by email that have been printed and sent. This is a global company with its own UK HR function and is a high street brand. :(:(:(
  4. hi Thanks for your advice I will edit that. I do have the disciplinary procedure, though its not clear if this is gross misconduct tho i assume it is as it is racial. My concern is proving that im innocent despite the incosistency of the statements. I have been in management for years and know that this is serious. I have never in my whole working life had any disciplinaries or even verbal warnings i have been unblemished till this and fear it will destroy my career. my hubby is a househusband looking after our 2 girls one with learning difficulties if i dont work no one gets fed. I would never put my career at risk for something like this:(
  5. I am a branch manager and last Monday after a poorly weekend and a call to an emergency doctor was advised to see my GP. I made an appointment and text my deputy to say i would be late due to app. Unfortunately the doc took one look and admitted me to hospital. on the way there i received a text from my area manager asking if everything was ok as i had missed our 9am meeting. I text back that i was on the way to hospital but puzzled at what meeting as there was nothing in my diary. My hubby communicated with him the rest of that day updating on my progress and advising i had to have an op. but beyond Monday each time he called there was no answer. on wednesday evening after my op I was released and went home to find a letter stating that as i was aware that i had missed the meeting I was being suspended for use of racial language. Until this point I had no idea. due to illness this has been hard to cope with however the letter stated an investigation was under way and was dated 7th june i recieved it on the 9th and they stated that they hoped to have completed interviews by the 14th. yesterday, the 16th i received another letter confirming I have to attend an interview next thursday 23rd and statements from my all of my team as well as a statement from an ex employee of 3 months ago! two of the statements support me 100% all 5 state im not racist and 3 confirm I have used offensive language although all 3 have used similar racial words no one has stated the context in which I am alleged to have said these words. I vehmenentally deny this accusation, but feel doomed as i am the ethnic minority on a ratio of 4:1 I feel its me that has been victimised as the person who has raised the grievance has attacked all aspects of my working day her statement is far more than a racial issue tho none of the others attacked me in such a way. as for the ex employee she has now raised issues that she didnt raise in her exit interview with HR and says she knows about this cause the others have told her. WTF????:-? I went to bed at 11.30 last night and got up at 11.40 i have spent all night preparing my response as sleep is not an option for me right now. Am i doomed?
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