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  1. Hi thanks for you reply i ordered the tv on 30/11/09 and it was delivered on or just after 8/12/09, i reported it on 7/6/10. so its just over 6 months since i ordered it but under 6 months since i recieved it
  2. got a phone call to say that my tv will returned still broken, not fixed or exchanged as the screen is broken, their saying its impact damage, carnt see how as no one touched it. Its only 5 months old, hardly ever watched as im never in
  3. Really need help now, ive just spoke to argos about my tv and the engineer has told them that its impact damage, i really dont know how as i said earlier no one has touched the tv but i can get my own report if i want, sitting here nearly in tears havent got the money for a report or a new tv still paying for the broken one, ive asked if it could of been damaged before i recieved it and its got worse, i was told my warranty doesnt cover the screen and i will have the broken tv returned to me. Please help
  4. Hi again, someone came today to look at my tv and he basically said that the screen had been hit with somethin which i know hasnt, he took it away to be looked at on his way out he banged the tv into the unit in my hallway. I know i probs should of said somethin but think i was still upset of bein told he thought i caused the damage myself or still being without a tv just dont know what to do next
  5. thanks their coming out monday
  6. football on tonight and our 42in tele broke, all i have to watch it on is a 15in i will be very lucky if i can see the ball at all
  7. thanks im new to this, carnt see how to start one
  8. Hi i bought a lcd tv from argos in December, this week it made a popping sound and the screen went white, looking at it closer it looks like the screen has a small crack inside. has anyone heard of this happening before the tv hasnt been knocked or anythink i rang them up and there sending someone to look at it can it be fixed x
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