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Everything posted by JoannePettie

  1. Hi fleaboobash I had the same response from NatWest as well, declining my initial offer of £5pm. I just wrote back and said that was all I could afford, and they agreed to it. I would write back and offer them realistically what you can offer them, even if it is just £1pm you are making the offer to them and its for them to turn down. As far as I see it any amount is better than none. There are probably others that can advise you better as to the exact things to do next, but this would be a start at least.
  2. Thanks skint I have no intention of calling them, just a bit worried as to the fact I'm now not making a payment to MBNA, as they have not sent a statement with a paying in slip. I like the 50p a minute number
  3. Update: I've had a couple of calls from AIC, but no letters as of yet, so haven't sent a CCA to them. Can anyone please advise as to what to do re monthly payments to MBNA as they haven't sent my monthly statement. Thanks
  4. HI there, me again. I was wondering if anyone could help me find an answer to this. If you make an arrangement with a Credit Card company to make repayments prior to them defaulting the account, surely they shouldn't be able pass you onto a DCA if you continue making the agreed payment to them? eg I agreed to pay MBNA £5pm a couple of months before they told me my account was in default and passed to AIC, although I had stopped paying the minimum amount 3-4 months before that. Or is this too simplistic?
  5. Hi all I have a friend that is paying back a number of DCAs monthly. Is there anything that she can do, such as CCA them, while she is paying them off, as it appears that she will never be able to fully pay them off, even if she lives to 100, as she is only able to pay a minimal amount each month, and this is kind of forcing her to sometimes endure slight hardship (ie not eat etc). Don't know if this makes sense, feel free to ask questions about her situation and I'll do my best to get them answered. Thanks
  6. I kind of had the same issue with Nat West. I sent them a letter, along with an I & E statement, to show what I was able to pay, as I was trying to deal with it myself rather than going through CCCS. At first they said no, so I resent the letter and they accepted it. I also changed my bank account, so money went into a a different bank account.
  7. I'll wait for them to write properly then, gives me a bit more time. BTW what should I do with regards to my payment to MBNA? I used to get a statement with a paying in slip at the bottom, but not had one this month. Should I write to them?
  8. HI there The card was in an envelope, return address Reading The card itself on one side says WARNING! gives a reference number, the outstanding balance, Client name MBNA Europe and a date of 1 June 2010 (although only received today). It then has my name underneath, which would show through the window of envelope. The other side says AIC are a DRC and has been instructed by MBNA to recover the balance on their behalf. It then gives me a name and phone number to call. It then says to send a payment and return to a Glasgow address. I can try and scan in the morning and post up if it will be better. Thanks again for help.
  9. OK. I have today received a yellow card from AIC regarding the MBNA debt, what am I supposed to do next, is it send a request for CCA to AIC in Glasgow? Is there anything else I should do in the meantime? Thanks for any assistance.
  10. Hi there everyone, new to these forums, so please bear with me a bit. I have had a Credit Card with MBNA (£10k), NAtwest loan (£1.5k), Nat West Advantage overdraft (£4k) and Nat West Credit Card (£4k). All of these I had been paying off dutifully until around last November/December I got into financial difficulties, having been unemployed since the start of that year and receiving Job Seekers Allowance. I arranged with all a repayment plan of £5 per month, due to this JSA being the only money I have coming in, and with no savings. I am also staying with parents so no rent etc. I have been honest with all of them and have let them know that I am willing to start to repay my normal amounts once I find employment. I have today received an answer phone message on my mobile from someone at Allied International who asked me to call back quoting a reference number. I have not done this, yet. I am also unsure as to which of my creditors they are working on behalf of, although I suspect it could be MBNA. Can someone please advise me as to what I should do please, having read through the forums it seems that I need to send a CCA to AIC? Is this correct? Also should I answer their calls, or wait for a letter from them? Many thanks in advance for any help
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