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Everything posted by Tadworried

  1. Thanks for that advice. I am not working at the moment but am trying to get a job and have to look after my parents who are not that well and need help shopping and taking to the hospital etc do you think they would still let me keep a cheaper car or give me the £2000 to get another one for these reasons? Thanks in advance.
  2. My hubby and I have decided after 3 years of the stress of trying to repay our debts that Bankruptcy is the way forward for us. We have been toying with the idea for the last 6 months but have now decided that we will be in this situation for at least the next ten years and we are not getting any younger and we need to do something now! We are probably going to loose our home and car but regain some sanity. Have just been to the Citizens advice and explained situation (they were great) and they are going to set up an appointment with a chap who has a lot of experience with BR . In the meantime could anyone advise regarding our car situation. It's on HP with £5200 left to pay and is worth according to Parkers guide on the poor private costing about £7700. If we sold it now before the bankrupcy, payed off the HP and bought another car with what is left would this cause any problems with the BR proceedings? Not doing this to be sneaky we just can't afford payments and we somehow need to get another car as hubbys work van is on it's last legs and I need car for looking for a job and looking after poorly parents. Any advice please...
  3. The computor always says No to me as well! As a lot of people know who come on his site it is so hard with the stress of debt collectors ( the phone is ringing now!), robbing peter to pay paul and constantly on the phone explaining why you can't pay. On top of all this trying to get your head in the right place to apply for jobs, then worrying that you might not get a job because of the mess your in! I have really had to grow a pair over these last 2 years and this site has been invaluable for advice and also reassurance that you are not on your own. If I get this job will be making a contribution to this site for definate. Right thats my rant over for today......head sorted....pair in place...will get back to the CV!
  4. Thanks HeftyHippo, you are quite right that everyone has been affected by the credit crunch. The annoying thing is that the ccj is preventing me getting a job to get some money so I can pay the damm thing off. The advice how to explain to a potential employer about the ccj is fantastic. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  5. Thanks very much for your advice...your boss sounds v nice MorganaNK!
  6. I am about to apply for a job in a care home as an administrator. The job will include doing the payroll and I am wondering if the checks they do will bring up the fact I have a ccj and will prevent me getting the job. Can anyone advise please?
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