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Blue Diamond

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Everything posted by Blue Diamond

  1. Tommy J, how's this for a UW [problem]? UW are charging me £121 for one months' use of electricity (this time last year it was approx. £40/£45), when only two adults live in a three bed end-terrace? How does that work, huh? Looking back at my bills, my use of electric has increased month by month by month since changing to UW. I don't know how UW have reached the monthly figures they do, especially as I now work two jobs and am hardly home! The only thing that uses electric 24/7 is my flipping fridge!! And I'm a damn site sure there's more than a handful of disgruntled UW customers out there. [problematic] isn't the word...UW are 24hr thieves!!
  2. I've battled with both them and their debt company, Utility Management Services (as fake as it is) via email, and I've finally received a typed up list of payments they've received which marries up with my dates and figures. Why did something like that take so long? They still haven't taken my complaint seriously at all and I have not received as much as an apology for the delay in sending me information I requested months ago, neither have I received a word about the letter I received from their so called debt company regarding the court application for a warrant to enter my premises. They say they'll be knocking on my door on 1 June. I still don't find how UW can charge so much for the use of electric and gas each month. I need to get back to BG asap as UW are killing me with their monthly fees. How can an adult and one teen living in an average-sized 3 bedroomed house use £121 worth of electric in one month? Ridiculous... They say they come and take regular meter readings meaning amounts are correct. They are having a laugh at my expense....this company should be stopped as they're making a packet whilst giving a shocking service and are very unprofessional. Would it be a good idea to use Switch or go to BG directly?
  3. Loopinlouie, I need to read up on how this site actually works (incl. the red triangles)! Thanks for the advice on threads and UW advice. Oh, and the luck too, I'll need tons of it. Nottslad, you dude! Thanks for this advice and I will act on it asap. Just a question: emails and letters are classed the same, right? I understand phone calls are uselss as although calls are recorded there's nothing in black in and white if you need to refer to anything specific, but an email is just as important as a letter, right? You made me lol when you said you didn't have the energy to lol hope you're having a better day today... Shining Light, many thanks but no thanks. As for what Intruder08's put in his last paragraph, will my email/letter of complaint halt things? Thanks again, all.
  4. Is there anyone that can advise me on my next move. UW are chasing me for outstanding fees and I've requested, time and time again, that they send me a statement so I can see what payments they've received and when, as figures don't add up and their outstanding amount is much more higher than mine and I feel something's gone wrong somewhere. I requested this doc by phone prior to Xmas and have been corresponding by email for the last few months. Instead of a simple statement, I've received emails containing lists of invoice numbers, invoice dates and invoice totals and other emails attaching copies of invoices I've already received. I can not understand why a simple statement can not be produced. Do they not have a fully equipped accounts department that can produce a statement for an account they hold? They've also sent my debt to another company and I've complained about that and they've not commented. It's them that's causing the delay by not supplying a simple statement which I've been requesting for the past few months. The debt company has sent through notification of a court date and it's so stressing getting any information out of UW. I'm aware the true amount owing is growing rapidly... Any ideas?
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