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  1. hello? wheres every one gone - i still need help.thanks
  2. early two thousands cant remember i was probably very very drunk, last payment again cant remember precisely 2005/2006 by the way can you see the uploads?
  3. this is the best i could do here we go fas.pdf fas2.pdf
  4. I have no scanner at work at the moment. Its just the terms of conditions i imagine you would get with the application.
  5. Oc = barclay card fired off account in dispute letter - they did not mention in any of there letters whether or not original agreement is available. Infact quoting them " we are enclosing your cca that you signed when you opened this account". But the supposed barclay cca does not have my signature nor anywhere to sign apart from the cancellation of agreement box which is blank. Thanks.
  6. Would the original creditor still entertain an sar though the loan is sold? Thanks for reply.
  7. Hello to all - i need some advice. I have Hfo on my case for a old debt which i thought was paid off - i went through the cccs back then. I sent of for cca and in return got a generic terms and conditions agreement not signed by myself and a copy of my credit report highlighting the debt. So i fired off a account in dispute letter but they keep sending me letters latest one about some litigation stuff( i have not read the letter as it came this morning to my parents house, will update once i have). Surley if the account is in dispute they should not be contacting me, should they? Also the account may be statute barred, how can i find out without inviting further trouble. your advice is most welcome. thanks
  8. hello - my parents recieved a call from hfo telling them they were serious fraud investigation unit or something like that. dirty scoundrels thats all i can say. hope it all works out for you hatehfo. all the best.
  9. firstly i would like to thank you all for your replies. i think this account was for a overdraft. but not 100% i will send a prove it letter - thanks harrassed senior. @cartaphilus arrow = arrow global ltd if it is a overdraft account then did i do the wrong thing by sending them a cca? i would like to add, this is one of many debts i have all were taken out before april 2007. does this make a difference? so i take it from the little bit of research that i have done that apply for cca's for all loans and credit cards and post them up and get help from the forum as to whether they are enforcable or not. what to do about overdrafts? send prove it letter? then do what from there? once again thanks for the replies - i am feeling the love on this forum already.
  10. hello to all on this very insightful forum. a little history. i got myself into a lot of debt when i was at uni -went into the bank one day to pay some money in and came out with a loan. I was happy at the time but then i started to get more loans/credit cards as it was quite easy spent a lot of the money on rubbish and being a student lots on drink. At the time i was working part time. Soon i realized i could not pay the monthly amounts and had to get more work which was detrimental to my studies. Infact i spent six years at uni and got no degree just a big fat swollen liver. eventually all my earnings were going on paying back the loans and i had defaulted on some payments. i approached the cccs and they helped me for some time but it would of took sixteen years to pay every body back. i got depressed, quit uni, quit my job as i saw no way out of my situation. And moved back to live with my parents were i found some peace. my loans were registered to my friends house where i was living at the time i was at uni. letters kept comming to my friends address but i just ignored them as i had found a safe haven - my parents house. nothing happened for several years. all of a sudden a letter turned up about a month ago at my parents house - from wescot credit services ltd. this was bad bad news as i had kept all this away from my parents and they did not know until recently as they started to get phone calls and i had to come clean - my dad almost had a heart attack. my trouble is wescot are threatening to send there boys round to my parents address and i have to somehow stop this from happening. i went online and found this forum. i sent a cca request to the dca(wescot) and they replied by letter shortly after saying that they did not have a copy as they were dealing for a client 'arrow something or other' (sorry i dont have the letter to hand) and sent me back my £1 postal order and stated i now have a further 14days to sort it out with 'arrow'.- what do i do now? do i fire off with the account in dispute letter to the dca(wescot), or do i now send a request for cca to arrow who are not the original creditors i think it was lloyds bank. your help would be much appreciated. just like to add - i cannot go the 1980 limitation act route as still within the six year from last contact/payment. i would like to add that this debt may be for a student account overdraft not 100% as its been some time and this is one of many debts- does that mean anything love and peace.
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