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  1. listen folks, i appealed and have just got a letter back saying they are pursuing the pcn. I don't mean to lay on a sob story but am pregnant with my first child and I can't afford this! i really need the images of the old and new signs. I have posted a request and sent private messages to people on the forum but these have proved unsuccessful/ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can someone e-mail me the images so i can do exactly as 'JennyPopper' had done and appeal to the adjudicator. my e mail is ktg21_@hotmail.com I don't have aleg to stand on without the images, do i?
  2. To Roger Lo, I live on 105 Malborough, any chance you could post a copy of those photos through my door? I'd be happy to donate a bottle of wine???
  3. apologies, there is NO space after the word hotmail on my e-mail address.
  4. I need the before and after photos as they are clearly going to pursue the pcn as they have Jen's, I sent the letter off suggested by Sam Sailor and am awaiting a reply. I would like them sent to my hotmail if anyone would be so kind, ktg21_@hotmail .com ( i'm not a tech boffin) I am really keen to go to arbitration as a group if that is possible as i feel they have been very underhand the council and by changing the sign surely this is as good as admitting fault on their behalf.
  5. yes I am referring to the bounds green rd junction, Malborough rd is just off the Whittington rd, i have been sent exactly the same fine a the other lady:mad:
  6. can i correct my comment, you have actually been a able to do a u turn without the sign being there for nearly 3 months, is this a grounds for appeal?
  7. I have joined this forum specifically for this, i live in Malborough Rd, I have already paid a fine for turning right at the newly installed left only junction although every one else was turning right so i followed them. A sneaky little smart car caught me. i thought fair do's i shouldn't have done it so paid it. for nearly 6 weeks it was legal to do a u turn after turning left as there was no sign declaring you couldn't, now i have just received another fine for performing an illegal u turn. i couldn't believe it, the sneaky council have put a sign up and sent the smart car with camera down the road to catch every one out. SURELY THIS IS NOT FAIR.
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