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  1. I would like to say that this matter has now been resolved! "To enable this to go ahead I have adjusted the balance of £25.16 (inc. VAT) in full and will arrange for notification of the default removal to be issued to The Lowell Group which will take around twenty-eight days to be reflected on your credit file." @ Lee I would just like to say that the manner in which you have dealt with my query has been exemplary. You are the first person I have dealt from Vodafone that has treated me as a human being. As a customer relations deputy manager for a large utility company dealing with high level complaints, I can certainly appreciate good professional service. The amount of money in question was never the real issue but rather the default, the charges for a service I did not have or use and the way it was handed to me were. Your prompt and courtesy manner are something I try to instil in my team. Please pass this on to your management as a "Thank you". Regards
  2. Hi Cerebra Contact the Southern Head Office Customer Relations team first - try 08000728616. Always found it easier to deal with over the phone.
  3. Hi Im posting with the hope I can get some advice. I have been reading these threads for a wee while now and decided to post with my specifics. I very recently recieved a letter dated April 2010 with a Vodafone letterhead stating that I had to contact Lowell's regarding a £25.16 debt for a mobile contract I had that was terminated in July 2005. Now I had cancelled the contract April/May mostly due to the poor service I had recieved at the time and was told that this had been done and no further charges were applicable. This is the first time I have ever been aware of this amount This demand now states that I owe for 2 months line rental. I have emailed Vodafones webservices twice asking for an explanation as well as the complaints handling procedure. Neither of which I got. I then phoned customers services only to be told that there is nothing they could do, the amount was 100% correct and I must deal with Lowell. Complaining had to be done via letter as this telecoms companies Customer Relations did not have a contact telephone number . I understand that Lee_Vodafone reads these pages so my email reference is - #2446890 Any advice or help would be most welcome
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