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  1. Thanks Bear, Yes i went to hospital after my crash, ive been seen twice by a private practitioner and he has refered me to a physio, im just waiting for an appointment. Im just so frustrated with this whole situation, it really clouds your judgement when its your problem. And thanks you for all this advice, you would make a fortune as a solicitor natasha xx
  2. My local CAB are rubbish, in the past 12months ive been to them for help 4 times and every time they have refused to see me and gave me phone numbers for solicitors an what not. What is the letter that i can send them? Natasha x
  3. Thank you both very much for replying so promptly. Sounds silly but ive seen what these collector/bullies look like, they are so intimidating, like i mentioned before i live on my own with my son who is autistic, im scared that if my son has an episode and my door is open the guys will just enter my property. I guess this is how the rich get richer by scaring the little fish, i can imagine the amount of people who have paid if they have felt even half as intimidated as me. I stumbled across this thread as i was searching CRS so i could set up some kind of payment plan, that was until i read what thieves they are! Thank you again, so i guess i just sit an wait for the knock on my door. Ha ha also if CRS did buy my debt for around 5% it would have cost them £9.80, an they want me to pay a grand total of £495.04!!!! natasha x
  4. Hi (this is my first post ;-) Last year i signed up for ladyzone gym, which my nan paid for (she passed me the money and the DD was set up from my bank). In June last year i had a car accident which prevented me from using the gym an my nan died in Aug last year, which then cut short my funding. I told the gym what had happened and explained that i could not afford £42 a month as im a student and a single parent. The gym seemed nice to my face. Then came the letter from CRS askin for the rest of the money, on the 26th feb 2010 i recieved a letter and attatched is a court claims form, which scared me a little so i put it in the cupboard hoping nothing would come of it. Then yesterday i recieved another letter saying in big bold red text "A FIELD COLLECTOR FROM face2face contact WILL BE INSTRUCTED TO VISIT YOUR PROPERTY TO COLLECT PAYMENT FROM YOU" Then they have stated cost of employing face2face which is £141.44!!!! What is my best first move, i really need to sort this out i cant have people knocking at the door and taking my things, i have majour problems with the post man coming as my son has autism and people scare him!! Thank you xx
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