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Everything posted by richmond_tim

  1. cheers, bookworm for cobbling this all together! barclays on the barclays forum and all that oh- and thanks for the answer
  2. Is it true they don't count weekends or bank holidays? help much appreciated
  3. found this: Unfair UK Bank Charges | legal help from Govan Law Centre, Glasgow, UK think I'll raise it in England, as the period lasts longer (apparently) and I'll be up and down from there anyway. Sweet!
  4. no need for other replies! found this: Unfair UK Bank Charges | legal help from Govan Law Centre, Glasgow, UK yaldy!
  5. folks, I'm about to start my claim against Barclays, but am worried after reading the FAQs about the account being closed etc. Easy, you say- get a parachute however, I'm applying for a mortgageover the coming months, and am worried about how this proecss will affect my credit score... particularly as mortgage lenders like to see someone with a long-standing bank account. any tips/ideas? thanks in advance, r_t
  6. great- thanks! I hope that doesn't make things more difficult... especially as I'm moving back down to London in late July... so I've basically 5 months to get sorted. Onwards and upwards! Sending my account information request in the morning thanks again
  7. sorry, dar3n... wasn't quite explicit enough. What I meant was where would the court hearing (should it get that far) be? Do I claim at the court local to my branch (Staines, England), or up here (Aberdeen, Scotland)... cos I know there's different rules. Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi all just about to start a claim against Barclays... but as the title says, my account is based in an English bank, but I currently live in Scotland I know there's time before all this is required, but where should the claim be going to? thanks in advance, r_t
  9. hi all... time to get all those £30s back these *&£$" hit me for while at uni Great site- full of loads of help and interesting articles and stories and now for my first question- My back account is based in england... but I live in Scotland. Where should I claim? thanks in advance, r_t :thumbsup:
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