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  1. Before i begin - i hope that whoever reads this will do so without prejudice of the mentally ill. I have to be graphic, because of how bad it really was. I have. very recently had a LOT of problems with British Gas. First, when i moved in to my current address on 07/08/2007, I had a lot of problems registering the gas in my name. For my electric i am with Scottosh Power and ive rarely had a problem. courtesy of the idiots at BG - I transferred to my name, then tried to transfer the gas to SP. This couldnt be done as there was an apparent debt with BG. BG were sending me bills - but i didnt open them as they were addressed to the previous tenant whom had moved out 2 years previously!!! I rang BG again and informed them that i had the gas in my name on 2 more occassions - and the t***s STILL hadnt done it! Then, when a bill EVENTUALLY came through in my own name - it was for a huge amount and they wanted all the money up front or a prepayment meter taking off £7 in every £10 i put on there! They wanted that to total up to and not below £85 per month!!!!! I couldnt afford that, being on Disability benefits, and informed them that i was applying for a Debt Relief Order to write any debts i had off. Cue them trying to bully me into a prepayment meter! I also have a meter in a place where i cannot get to it in order to slot the card in - even the engineer almost broke his neck out there the other day! I ended up with some guy a couple days before Xmas turning up saying he was cutting me off - and when i refused to open the door, started taunting me, non abusive, but in a laughing, bullying manner. I told him what was happening and he left. On the 24th March, 2 days before my DRO went through, i had an guy from BG, and two other men turn up on my doorstep with a warrant. I was frightened, because i have issues with strangers - particularly males coming in my home - and there was no need for them to even come in - my meter is outside around the back! The guy was very rude and threatening when i told him about the DRO. I was shaking uncontrollably, and said i didnt want strange men in my home and asked if i could at least call my friend so she could be there with me in 10 minutes - I was in a terrible state. Whil i was on the phone, they tried drilling a hole in my front door! This very rude, nasty man would not give me any more than 5 minutes to speak to one of his colleagues at BG to try and sort it. They kept putting me on hold, knowing how frightened i was and that i was in a panic, and the guy even said i could phone my mate and he was calling the police! I have a mental illness, and had a near breakdown last year. I was moving on and had stopped doing certain things to myself a couple of years ago - and it set it off again, and this experience has set me back and i jump each time the door goes, a letter arrives or the phone rings. The guy eventually managed to bully me eventually into opening the door - with the help of a very rude woman on the phone, plus a fake call to the police - i figured it was fake when he "called" them on his mobile, didnt give any details and said no hneed to come round. His phone light didnt come on - so a blatant lie in order to bully me into letting them all in!!!!! My DRO has now gone through and i am pretty much debt free - it went through on 26/03, but British Gas are now saying "Oh no worries with the DRO - its sorted now you have a payment meter". It is still a debt! And now they appear to be denying the terms of the DRO, saying its not needed. The rude woman i spoke to on the day of the "incident" said my DRO would also cover any debt on the meter - so WTF's going on? I feel the need to express this, because it is worse than people think. They lie and send people round the houses! I just want to go back to Scottish Power. At least they leave me alone and they dont p**s about with my account. Been with SP for 4 years with my electric and had no problems. What can i do about BG, the bullying and the DRO? Are they telling bare-faced lies?
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