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Everything posted by tink74

  1. Thanks for your help everyone. I hope you all have a good easter and a Baillif free one at that! I'll update this with how i get on at the council. Everyones help is very much appreciated!
  2. i think im going to strugle. couldnt really afford it in the first place. I will go down the council offices Tuesday. The bailiff said if the grant retrospective discount, they will email the bailiff and it willl come off of the total. reading through i think its not anywhere need as bad an outcome as i could have had! some people have had an awful time. makes me feel silly really putting it on here now.
  3. thanks for that. I dont think im going to argue it too much> 80.00 is actually lower than the origional required by the council, Having said that I didnt have small business relief added. I have just been checking through some other posts and theres one from beyong hope. someone on there has said if your disputing the amount and/or applying for relief they shouldnt pursue distrss. can anyone clarify? mind you, dont want to annoy them and loose my stuff! thanks for all your help guys. Its a horrible scary thing, Its great to know there is somewhere to go other than the CAB that although is helpful, you can harldy ever get an appointment at.
  4. he said he would only enter into payment arrangement and not take all of my stock in the next 20 minutes if i authorised my fiance to sign the WPA for me. I was really worried so I did. i couldnt get there as I was over an hour away. I checked with council via phone and they said it was at 1001 when it left them which i dont understand as the 1st bailiff letter said 425. i asked him to leave a breakdown of charges and they are as written above. Thats what is written on the form. He said he didnt get a signature, he would just take things anyway. without stock, i would have to close down and would still be liable for rent etc which i wouldnt be able to afford so jut did what he said
  5. Thanks PlodderTom. Very good advice! I will be careful. He said its better an quiker to pay over the phone each month. He said it does incurr a 1.50 charge each time but you dont run the risk of cheques not getting there etc. bit cheeky charging i think but dont want to risk the chque getting there late. reading through, it seems he would sell stuff at auction. How much would he make on dog treats? just seems weird but i guess they just have to levy on whatever is there?
  6. Thanks for this guys. tobe honest he was really nice (or seemed so) on the phone. He aske how business was and said-honestly, how is the busines doing. i said really badly got hardly anything in the bank. so he said he would take 100 per month. i asked him to let me pay the 200 today and the other 77 with the 1st payment of 80 next month and he said that as he had just been saying to my partner how reasonable a bailiff he is, that he should be now and said pay me 200 today and just 80.00 a month. sounds like i may have spoken to the only decent bailiff on the earth?!
  7. Hi my fiend reccomended I come here.I'm hoping someone may be able to help me? I run a small pet shop and the business has been really struggling. This is my first year of business. I messed up and didnt pay my business rates for last year. The council sent me a couple of letters but it went to the flat above who has the same number as my shop but my shop is A on the end. I got a letter from a bailiff last week saying i owed 425.00. I was going to call to sort it out but had a close family bereavement so have been caught up with that. Today my fiancee rang to say the bailiff was there and was going to take everything. I spoke to him and explained why i hadnt called and asked if he could give me until Tuesday as I needed to go to the council to ask about small business relief. he said it was too late for that, he debt was now at 1110.40 and unless he had 277.00 within the next 20 minutes and agreement for a paymanet plan he would start removing things from the shop. I couldnt afford 277 so he agreed to take 200. i paid the money and agreed 80.00 per month over the phone. I can afford this so am ok with the monthyl payments but he said he would do it only if i gave permission for my fiance to sign the posession agreement so i did. the bailiff has listed all of the products and shelving including little platic baskets but not the freezer which i thought was odd but not moaning about. i have a couple of questions: firstly the agreement says if i dont pay he will come and take everything on the list so I dont see how i can now sell them to customers? also the charges, the council confirmed the outstanding balance as 1001.00. he has added 24.50 first visit fee, 18.00 second visit 54.00 levy charge 12.00 walking posession fee and 24.50 admin fee. Is this right? how can i sell my products to make money if he now posses them? im so confused
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