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The LostOne

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Everything posted by The LostOne

  1. Thanks Rapterman. I dont even know where to look for all that stuff, probably why I am where I am at the moment! I will definatley be looking for an IP of BR Lawyer tomorrow and I will let you know how I get on. Big thanks to everyone for the advice.
  2. Mate, seriously, Thank you very much. I will speak to a BR lawyer tomorrow and try to make some progress. I really appreciate the advice.
  3. Thanks for the advice mate, will make some calls tomorrow. I am happy to come clean with them as i just want this to stop. Bankruptcy Assistance Programme | Bankruptcy Information UK Anyone tried this lot?
  4. Yes, still self employed. I spoke to the CAB and they were unsure of where I stood. They also gave me some advice how to get the Charging Order stopped but the TEN valid points I listed were simplt brushed aside by the judge. He wasnt even remotely bothered.
  5. I have just started working again a few weeks ago but it ends in 2 weeks. All the work I have done in the last 3 years has been like this. I have not paid any tax or ni since then. I have company accounts that the money is paid into. I assume you mean a bankruptcy solicitor or will anyone do? Thanks for the quick reply, nice to know someone is willing to give advice!
  6. Dear All, I have been reading posts on your website for a while now and the advice has been excellent. Please allow me to explain my current situation: £80k of loans & credit cards £50k of lost equity £25k of negative equity 2 x CCJ's 1 x Charging Order Lots of Default Notices Some of my creditors have accepted my repayment requests (about 50%) but the others seem set on getting me out of the house, even with negative equity. I have never wanted to declare myself bankrupt but after the judge and MBNA's solicitor suggesting that it may not be a bad idea at my charging order hearing on Friday, I am thinking again. I got myself in debt while trying to sell my last house, I spent £30k on credit cards to get it finished them coudnt sell, i then part-exchanged it for a new one but was left with the debts. I took out a consolidation loan to repay them and then came out of work, this money was used to pay the minimum payments etc. When I ran out of money I stopped paying the bills and they started to raise, now at £80k. I am a freelance (self employed) worker and have been working through a number of Limited Companys, as I have not had an accountant I have been submitting no books etc to companys house. As each limited company was disolved (due to no reports being filed) I would open another and start again. Not paying the tax and national insuance etc had kept the debts paid. This is the reason for my panic / stress. I cant sleep, cant eat properly and although I have not told anyone (even my partner) I am terrified of what will happen and I dont know what to do. If the Official Reciever goes through all this company info will I go to jail? I was only trying to provide a roof for my family but it appears this roof may be going shortly. ANY help or advice you could give will be greatfully recieved, I just want to be finished with all this, its killing me. Many thanks
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