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  1. Thank you Rae, i will keep you up to date with what happens. Thank you again for all the advice from yourself and PT, i really appreciate it!. Kind Regards Emma
  2. Thanks for all your advice Rae and PT you's have been a great help and i will write these letters up tomorrow and get them sent off.
  3. I was receiving treatment but i took myself off them as i didn't think they were helping me but it is on my doctors record's that i suffer from depression but its a while since i last went to see them about it.
  4. Thank you soo much Rae, there is only one problem. My partner has only just registered at the doctors in our area as he was no longer able to use his as it was in a different area and they are awaiting his files and info and dont know how long that takes.
  5. He is only receiving incapacity benefits at the moment but have applied to receive a letter and forms to fill in for dla.
  6. Hi Rae, sorry for the delay, i was reading up on some of the answers on other peoples problems about bailiffs. My partner has got bowl cancer and is 29 years old. I am 22 years old and am suffering from depression and this certainly is not helping! but i feel a lil better as i am getting some answers from you and other nice people. If you need to know anything else, just ask and i will let you know. Thanks Rae x
  7. I am sorry for all of the questions PT, its just that i am young and nieve when it comes to this as i am only 22 and not used to these kinds of situations.
  8. No, i don't actually have anyone else as my family have already stated to me that i got myself in to this mess so its only me that can sort the mess out. My partner has just asked me to ask you.. What will happen if either myself, he or either one of his young sons open the door as no one realises who is knocking on the door?
  9. Thank you for your advice PT. What happens if he does manage to get a court order? and is it true that he can get me arrested and sent to prison? as he has already threatened me with this a few times and true be known i am absolutally scared whitless.
  10. hi, how are we going to make this possible? (if we can get it declared invalid because of the TV you go back to not having anything levied).
  11. yes the council tax is in only my name. What will happen when the bailiff comes and i refuse him entry so that he can take my possessions as when he came last week he said that if i didn't have the money then he was goin to return with the van and take my possessions and if i was not in then he would break entry as i have signed the walking possession order which allows him to enter my property without me actually inviting him in.
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