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Posts posted by Zangy

  1. It is almost certainly an invoice. Do the signs mention the rail byelaws? Does the invoice?


    No mention of rail byelaws on the penalty notice.


    I have to say, I have been on this forum for the last three days learning an awful lot since I got the PCN. I would probably have paid the fine if it was a reasonable sum. £15, 20 even £25. But £80!!! It was probably the size of the "fine" that stopped me in my tracks because it was in my view pure extortion.


    I also had a look at some screenshots that other victims had put on the web from CP Plus. Looks like last year their standard penalty charge was £50 so they have increased the standard fine by £30 (approx 60% inflation rate in a year?!).


    Does the government seriously not want to get involved to stop this practice?

  2. NobbyD, whats the latest? I have a similar parking ticket from CP Plus. In my case I actally did buy a ticket and displayed it correctly, except I seemed to have parked in a badly marked section for "season ticket holders only". Wow £80 fine for that!!!!




    Keep us informed... anything yet?


  3. Oh and I'd just like to add that if on the small tiny chance that the person reading this is one of these guys that puts parking notice's on cars - you are a loser.


    You have a tiny existance in life where you can do whatever you want to do and be whoever you want to be with some effort - but if you actually chose to do a job like this, then I think I pity you.

  4. Or making off without payment. This in no way authorises them to take the law into their own hands with a private system of penalties.


    Yeah but the British Parking Association seems to warrant they can go about doing this prviate system of penalties....





    So if this is a [problem], why is the BPA putting into the code that they can do all this?

  5. you have to laugh - this is on CP Plus' website:


    "When it comes to parking enforcement issues, we emphasise the positive. We prefer to work through encouragement and prevention, identifying parking abusers and persuading them through a range of strategies not to re-offend, rather than primarily focusing on punishment and penalties."


    Utter rubbish - never had anything from them before ever.... what a load of sh1t

  6. Hi Crem


    I'm not arguing the morality of the situation - of which I absolutely and categorically agree with you, just the theoretical legal fall out if one were to take the stance of never paying to park.


    Perhaps I should have entitled the thread "consequences of not paying to park".


    I think the question is simply put another way - "What real power do private parking companies have to enforce parking?"


    Anyway - let the subject drop I guess because we definitely don't want to encourage immoral behaviour.



  7. So, what would happen if I simply dont pay to park my car in a car park at all- ever.. period... finish...


    I presumably get one of these parking notices every now and again with a fine saying "pay up". I choose to ignore them all and, despite getting quite a lot of post... eventually nothing happens.


    So my theoretical question is this: Is it actually possible to never pay car parking tickets ever and never be in a position where you would get taken to court?


    All therotical of course - I will continue to pay for my tickets.. ;)


  8. My god 5printst, I had just read your thread. if you read my thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/parking-traffic-offences/251972-parking-notice-brookwood-railway.html#post2829463


    you will realise I am now starting today the journery you started on 15th May 2009 last year when you got your penalty fine.


    Exactly the same infringement (at another car park) - bought a valid ticket but parked in a season holders bay.


    I am so much more confident of just ignoring everything now!!! Thank you thank you thank you! I will keep my own thread updated with the same information you have provided so others can track that too.


    Thank you!




    p.s. just a thought - what is "Register of Judgements" and can you check if indeed your name is now listed on it as per the last solicitors letter?

  9. Thanks kiptower and the rest of you all - especially for responding so quick and putting my mind at ease. I hugely appreciate it and feel more confident to ignore the notice now.


    I'll keep you guys updated in the hope that anyone else who comes across this thread will hopefully see that the outcome is as predicted - i.e. nothing will come of it.


    a more relieved and slightly less nervous poor blighty!

  10. Ok - although I am sick with worry about this, I cannot and will not pay £80 for simply parking in a badly marked "season ticket holders only" parking bay when I have actually paid the parking fee and displayed the ticket correctly. Its so wrong for them to do that.


    Can I keep you guys updated for when the letters eventually arrive? Just so I get some re-assurance I should ignore them. ARE YOU GUYS CERTAIN I SHOULD IGNORE THIS?

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