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Everything posted by panicked33

  1. Well..... What an absolutely awful experience that was!!! The Judge gave me a real hard time and the lady who represented SPML was really unpleasant and nasty (I guess that's what she gets paid for)!!! Surprise, surprise they tried to say that I'd under paid and that they had told me this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I argued to my back teeth that they never did!!!!!! The Judge said he really didn't see what benefit me hanging on to the property was?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! I gave him your statement and advised that I was simply trying to hold on to a stable home for my child - to which he responded that I wasn't doing this!!!!! Anyway, after a real telling off and some really nasty arguments from their representative, the eviction has been suspended.......the matter has been adjourned and I have to pay my monthly payment + £150 by 16th March...I'm back in front of the Judge on 23rd April and so long as I've made that payment he promised me that he would let me carry on on that basis...but, if I don't he said he would pull the shutters down on the matter!!!! I also managed to get an arrears statement from their rep and surprise surprise, the charges on there are unbelievable!!! Is there anything I can do about this??? Can they be allowed to keep charging me £115 per month plus £25 late payment charge?!?!?! Thanks Ell-enn so much for your help!!! I wouldn't have been able to get this far without you!!! I shall be donating just as soon as I get paid!
  2. Well..... What an absolutely awful experience that was!!! The Judge gave me a real hard time and the lady who represented SPML was really unpleasant and nasty (I guess that's what she gets paid for)!!! Surprise, surprise they tried to say that I'd under paid and that they had told me this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I argued to my back teeth that they never did!!!!!! The Judge said he really didn't see what benefit me hanging on to the property was?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! I gave him your statement and advised that I was simply trying to hold on to a stable home for my child - to which he responded that I wasn't doing this!!!!! Anyway, after a real telling off and some really nasty arguments from their representative, the eviction has been suspended.......the matter has been adjourned and I have to pay my monthly payment + £150 by 16th March...I'm back in front of the Judge on 23rd April and so long as I've made that payment he promised me that he would let me carry on on that basis...but, if I don't he said he would pull the shutters down on the matter!!!! I also managed to get an arrears statement from their rep and surprise surprise, the charges on there are unbelievable!!! Is there anything I can do about this??? Can they be allowed to keep charging me £115 per month plus £25 late payment charge?!?!?! Thanks Ell-enn so much for your help!!! I wouldn't have been able to get this far without you!!! I shall be donating just as soon as I get paid!
  3. Hi Ell-enn. Have you managed to draft a statement for me yet? Just want to get it all together before the morning. Thanks
  4. Hi Ell-enn. Have you managed to draft a statement for me yet? Just want to get it all together before the morning. Thanks
  5. I can get bank statements no problem. I didn't submit a budget sheet as nothing has changed since the last time I was at court and the last time I submitted a budget sheet. I can print off the last one and take another copy with me..yet again!!! If you could prepare me a statement I would be really really grateful. If there is anything I can do to stop this then I'll do it!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for helping me - you have no idea how sick with worry I am....
  6. I can get bank statements no problem. I didn't submit a budget sheet as nothing has changed since the last time I was at court and the last time I submitted a budget sheet. I can print off the last one and take another copy with me..yet again!!! If you could prepare me a statement I would be really really grateful. If there is anything I can do to stop this then I'll do it!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for helping me - you have no idea how sick with worry I am....
  7. Hi there all.... Thanks so much for responding.. I stated that I had been paying monthly payments and had advised capstone verbally of the issues I have with regards to payments. I haven't stated the amount I have been paying. I said that I can continue to pay. I also said that I have requested that the benefits agency consider a change in the dates of my payments. Is this okay??? I haven't said I have requested an arrears statement or anything as, at that stage I hadn't. I spoke to somebody I know who suggested a complaint to the FSA?? Do you think I should do this?? I'm just worried that the Judge will see me as a serial offender and will get fed up with me!!!! Any suggestions as to what I should say if they do raise the issue re the difference in my payment amounts in comparison to the order? They have always told me over the phone what I should pay and now it turns out this was wrong as well!!!!!!!!!! Thanks in anticipation of you response.
  8. Hi there all.... Thanks so much for responding.. I stated that I had been paying monthly payments and had advised capstone verbally of the issues I have with regards to payments. I haven't stated the amount I have been paying. I said that I can continue to pay. I also said that I have requested that the benefits agency consider a change in the dates of my payments. Is this okay??? I haven't said I have requested an arrears statement or anything as, at that stage I hadn't. I spoke to somebody I know who suggested a complaint to the FSA?? Do you think I should do this?? I'm just worried that the Judge will see me as a serial offender and will get fed up with me!!!! Any suggestions as to what I should say if they do raise the issue re the difference in my payment amounts in comparison to the order? They have always told me over the phone what I should pay and now it turns out this was wrong as well!!!!!!!!!! Thanks in anticipation of you response.
  9. No response to my thread as yet...please, is anyone able to help???
  10. No response to my thread as yet...please, is anyone able to help???
  11. Hi there.I wonder if anyone can help me or at least give me a pep talk to put my mind at rest.I received an eviction notice back in December 09 in relation to arrears on my mortgage with SPML (currently being dealt with by Crapstone cough cough sorry Capstone!). After making my application I managed to get the eviction suspended and agreed to pay my monthly contractual payment plus £150, due on 1st of each month. I am a single parent currently receiving working tax and child tax credits which boosts my income just enough to be able to survive and make the agreed payments. These benefits aren't paid to my account until around 13th or 14th of each month.I have been calling Capstone each month on or around the 15th of the month to pay. I verbally advised them that I don't receive the benefits until the middle of the month but because they my earnings are enough for me to make the payment, they have not been willing to listen!!! My problem is, I have to wait for those benefits to come in to pay the childminder...if I don't pay the childminder, I can't work and if I can't work I can't pay ANYTHING off my mortgage!! I have been trying to do the sensible thing and ensure the agreement succeeds in the long run rather than failing!!!However, because I have been paying late, they have re-issued the eviction warrant and I am now due to be evicted - again! - on 29th March 2010. To add insult to injury, I've just checked back through the last Court Order and it turns out, Captstone have only been taking an extra £100 off me for the last 3 months instead of the £150 in the order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every month I have called and asked them what payment I need to pay and they have told me...it now transpires that this is the wrong amount - I know they are going to try and use this as ammo in Court!!!I have made an application AGAIN and have advised the court of my situation. My application hearing is listed for 23rd March 2010 at 10am....Can anyone give me any assistance or help??????????I've called Capstone today and asked them to send me a statement of arrears but they have said I have to pay £35 to see this!!!!!! I want to see it as they are saying I have over £10k worth of arrears - I am sure most of these are their charges! Please please can someone help me and give me some idea as to how I can get the eviction suspended again - or at least let me know if they don't think I have a hope in hell!!!!!! I'm worried sick about this...I have a 10 month old son...I CANNOT be made homeless!!!!Thanks in anticipation of a response.....
  12. Hi there.I wonder if anyone can help me or at least give me a pep talk to put my mind at rest.I received an eviction notice back in December 09 in relation to arrears on my mortgage with SPML (currently being dealt with by Crapstone cough cough sorry Capstone!). After making my application I managed to get the eviction suspended and agreed to pay my monthly contractual payment plus £150, due on 1st of each month. I am a single parent currently receiving working tax and child tax credits which boosts my income just enough to be able to survive and make the agreed payments. These benefits aren't paid to my account until around 13th or 14th of each month.I have been calling Capstone each month on or around the 15th of the month to pay. I verbally advised them that I don't receive the benefits until the middle of the month but because they my earnings are enough for me to make the payment, they have not been willing to listen!!! My problem is, I have to wait for those benefits to come in to pay the childminder...if I don't pay the childminder, I can't work and if I can't work I can't pay ANYTHING off my mortgage!! I have been trying to do the sensible thing and ensure the agreement succeeds in the long run rather than failing!!!However, because I have been paying late, they have re-issued the eviction warrant and I am now due to be evicted - again! - on 29th March 2010. To add insult to injury, I've just checked back through the last Court Order and it turns out, Captstone have only been taking an extra £100 off me for the last 3 months instead of the £150 in the order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every month I have called and asked them what payment I need to pay and they have told me...it now transpires that this is the wrong amount - I know they are going to try and use this as ammo in Court!!!I have made an application AGAIN and have advised the court of my situation. My application hearing is listed for 23rd March 2010 at 10am....Can anyone give me any assistance or help??????????I've called Capstone today and asked them to send me a statement of arrears but they have said I have to pay £35 to see this!!!!!! I want to see it as they are saying I have over £10k worth of arrears - I am sure most of these are their charges! Please please can someone help me and give me some idea as to how I can get the eviction suspended again - or at least let me know if they don't think I have a hope in hell!!!!!! I'm worried sick about this...I have a 10 month old son...I CANNOT be made homeless!!!!Thanks in anticipation of a response.....
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