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Everything posted by ARobbo

  1. Because of a payment being made about 2 weeks before the £5 one I think it could be a payment my brother made but he's not likely to still have records going back that far
  2. Just checked the bills and the £5 was paid on 16 June and was a card payment which shows on a statement
  3. An interesting update to the situation. I have just obtained my credit report thinking I would see something outstanding/default from 3 or HFO but nothing! Only a 'settled' from 3 which could refer to the other account I had with them which was all paid to date.
  4. Sorry, all the invoices I got in the SAR are at work so can't check until the morning. As far as I remember it was a one-off payment, there was no sort of payment plan agreed. believe it was shown on a statement, could confirm tomorrow
  5. The phone was disconnected in July 2004 and I'm told the last payment was £5 in June 2004. A final bill was sent in December 2004. (Basically my brother advises that he had a dispute with them in 2004 and was told the balance would be cleared, however, the SAR does not back this up and no notes on the account really reflect this apart from one in September advising that we were told to ignore a bill as the matter was being looked at)
  6. Roxburghe have got the account on hold at the moment due to the ongoing dispute with Otelo. Quoted that OFT have guidelines regarding debt collection while a balance is in dispute and they haven't contacted me since their first letter. Because of the Subject Access Request I have had from 3, I have already received copies of the invoices etc showing the debt. The one and only letter I got from Roxburghe at the end of 2009 also stated the debt was for Hutchison 3G so my case seems different to Gooner's in that way. My main argument really is that it's taken all parties so long to contact me about it that I don't see why I should have to pay the full debt and interest etc. Basically, 3 argue that they didn't have my address because my brother had changed it to his address (he was an authorised 3rd party on the account). However, from the SAR, it shows they still had my address on there (although I moved a few years ago, I know no one has tried to contact me at my old address) Roxburghe advised that 3 failed big time back in 2004 and didn't have a collections department big enough to do the work they needed to do - another argument I have is why I should be penalised for their incompetence
  7. I have exactly the same kind of issue listed on here. Debt goes back to mid 2004 (final bill was apparently issued in December 2004). It was a 3 mobile that I took out for my brother. The billing address was changed to his after a few months of the contract being taken out. I only heard about a debt when Roxburghe wrote to me in December 2009. I have since found out that 3 did nothing until they sold the debt to HFO in July 2007, HFO then did nothing until they referred it to Roxburghe (part of same company) and then Roxburghe wrote to me last year. I did a Subject Access Request to 3 and the debt is for the mobile before it was disconnected but I'm not happy to pay seeing as no action was taken for many years. The Credit Services Association weren't much use when I phoned and I am waiting for a reply. The complaint about 3 mobile is being investigated by Otelo who have provisionally said recently that the fact that 3 didn't do anything for years doesn't warrant a reduction. Surely it's not right that it's been left for so long? I've read the above but not too sure what I can do, can anyone help?
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