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Everything posted by Astoreth

  1. Hi: I came across this forum a few days ago. It's full of helpful information. I just want to share my story, out of frustration, really. I found 1 month loan on the internet, as, obviously, I am looking for a loan. I originally applied for 350 pounds (is my birthday at the end of the month and I want to take my boyfriend out). Anyway, after doing all the application online, it said they approved 200 pounds. This is still good, i though. To complete the process, you should received a text message with a code that you need to enter at the bottom of the agreement, along with the date and surname. I did not received it. I sent two emails to customer service through their website, and nobody got back to me. I also called twice, and the system just disconnected me after going through all the options saying that somebody will get back to me. I came across this forum, and next day (after trying to call the company and mailing them again with no luck), I found mr. Simon Hatch details from the post above. I email him directly. I have to say, he got back to me straight away. Gave me the code, and suddenly the application on the website said it was declined. I enquired about this, and they told me I need to scan and sent some paperwork. I sent a scan of my passport, my debit card, bank statements that prove that I work from home, and I get paid monthly into my account; a letter of my landlord, as I don't have a tenancy agreement, and another bank statement from another bank, with the address in there, because I do not have utility bills as everything is included in the deal. I actually had to send this in twice, as it was blurry the first time i did so. I was under the impression, or so they assured me over the phone, that it was all good and smooth and i was going to get my loan (out of 200 pounds, i would have had to pay them back 260, and I was still happy with the rip off). I waited and waited for the rest of the friday for somebody to get back to me. Obviously never happen. I waited all weekend, and finally today, as nobody could be bother to get back to me, i email mr hatch again (around 12.30) I got an email from somebody else saying : Hi xxxxx Sorry for the delay in the reply regarding your application. You should of received an e-mail on Friday informing you that we are unfortunately unable to lend on this occasion as you do not meet our lending criteria. Kind Regards Jason Symonds Customer Advisor Executive Loans Team: 01284 717810 Fax: 01284 717833 Websites: 1 Month Loan UK. Apply here for short-term personal loans (if you check the website FAQ and Terms and Conditions, I do qualify) I replied, saying that no, I did not received such email, and if he could tell me why my application has been rejected, considering that I am on full time employment. I pay my bills on time, and as far as I know, I only have one debt of about 400 pounds that I am working on with the company to pay back. I also have a property abroad on my name, and a third of other one. (ok, though, i didn't say the second part on the mail, only said how come i did not qualify if i am on full-time employment) the only answer that i got from him was: Hi xxxx Unfortunately I am unable to inform you of the reasons as the underwriters do not release the information for security reasons. Kind regards Security reasons? I am asking about MY information, not anybody else? Did anybody had the same problem? To be honest, after the whole hassle, i just feel that they just wasted my time and my credit on the phone. And now they have all my details for no reason. Why was the website saying it was approved? why where they saying over the phone it was approved? And then to turn me down, without so much an explanation? And no email to tell me this either, regardless of what they say. I also have to say that my salary is over 1000 pounds a month, well above the required minimum. Am really upset cos I could have used that time dealing with other companies instead. Sorry all for the rambling here. I just needed to get it off my chest. Forgot to say, If you actually look at my applications on the web, it says rejected, and where it says reason, it has been left blank.
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