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Everything posted by charliejjcc

  1. I have spoken to the building manager and they said they've had a few similar complaints about the way these idiots have been treating residents, but that they cannot get involved, other than to reassess whether they will continue to employ them. Looks like they won't be around for much longer which is a small mercy. I refuse to be bullied by these imbeciles, so roll on ignoring them! cheers
  2. The space I parked in is allocated to me; am not sure wat their loss would be anyway. Is me driving into the car park enough to infer that I accepted a contract with them though?
  3. so this is basic contract law; there is no contract as there is no consideration, and acceptance of their offer to enter into one ( i.e driving into the car park) in itself is doubtful- am i right in thinking this?
  4. why is it a fake pcn? it doesn't say fixed penalty notice, it does say pcn on it? Sorry im just a bit confused by all of this!
  5. hi kiptower thanks for the reply- quick question, i've been reading a lot about how these pcn's are not enforceable but no1 really explains why this is the case-- why are they not enforceable, what grounding in law is this based on? why are their claims that they have this power not valid? ta charlie
  6. Hey all Any word on what these guys 14 services are at? They gave me a fine for parking in my allocated space because my pass wasn't 'clearly on display'- it had fallen from the dash to the floor, although could still be seen. I appealed on this basis which of course was rejected ( and my fine increased to £150 due to failure to pay). The letter then said I could pay 55 if I paid within 10 days so I thought I would just get rid of them but when i called to make the payment they said it was still 150 and the letter was a clerical error. The woman (no name, apparently none of them have names) said to scan and send the letter to them and that if it said that then I could pay 55 and the person responsible would be disciplined. I thought great that'll be the end of it- called today to get a fax number as I dont have access to a scanner, and some guy gave me a torrent of abuse, called me stupid/ idiot/ told me I had to pay or the bailiffs would be at my door etc so I asked to speak to a supervisor and got a blanket no. Eventually had to hang up. My friend, a solicitor, called to speak to someone in complaints and they wouldn't put him through, or give a name, but he got a call back; during which they wouldn't confirm the name of the company/ registered company number/ contact address or anything..... Not sure what to do now- any advice would be great! ( after reading this, it seems like I shouldn't be paying them anything....)
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