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Justice For Ted

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  1. Hi Everyone, I lost my Great Dane Ted earlier this year due to what I believe was veterinary negligence. I echo all of the frustrations cited above. I was so incensed by the inability of the RCVS to police veterinary negligence that I started a campaign Justice For Ted Justice For Ted - Justice For Ted, soon to be called Rights 4 Pets @ Vets as soon as our new website is ready. We are campaigning to change the current outdated veterinary complaints procedure, which despite the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and DEFRA having been in discussions since 2003, remains unchanged since 1966. We want to state emphatically that this is NOT a campaign against the veterinary profession. We recognise that the overwhelming majority of vets do an excellent job but on the rare occasions that things do go wrong, owners must be afforded a transparent and robust complaints process. It is not until something goes wrong that you realise just what a difficult and tortuous process it is to make a complaint. Sadly it was the tragic and unnecessary loss of my own beautiful Great Dane that has brought this to light for me and you can read my online diary at Justice For Ted and about others who have faced the same hurdles. It is time to lobby support and campaign DEFRA to allocate funding for change to this outdated law and allow pet owners the opportunity to make their complaints heard and acted upon. Please take the time to look at our website Justice For Ted - Justice For Ted and sign our petition at Petition to: Make Veterinary Surgeons more accountable for their actions. | Number10.gov.uk My local MP is fully behind the campaign as is TV's Peter Purves and outspoken veterinarian Matthew Watkinson. We have been featured in recent articles in Our Dogs, K9 Magazine and we will also be the subject of features in Your Dogs and The Veterinary Times and Veterinary Journal. Please get involved with us! We will be starting on a fundraising exercise soon. Owners and pets deserve a voice! Regards Sarah Deadman Justice For Ted
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