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Not Quite Normal

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  1. Oops! Silly typo on the dates there! Anyway, I'll need to check properly, but I thnk the repo was about 4 years ago. All the bills in my name were all fully paid at the time of leaving (including me BG account). I think there was a period where my mother had stopped paying the bills without telling us (even she was still taking money from me for them), before I seperately decided to have them put in my name. But I think this is where the debt may originate. I suppose I need to know whether I am liable, and how I can satisfy my doubts that this is a legit claim PDCS are making. It was a bit of a confusing situation I suppose (and still is).
  2. Hi, and appologies in advance for the long post. I have been reading this thread with great interest, as I find myself in a very simlar situation to the people in this thread, and I was hoping I could get some advice. I was contacted by PDCS with an identically vague letter as described in earlier posts. I ignored it, as they gave no information, other than I should contact them. They gave no information at all with regards to what it was about. A few weeks later I got a "formal demand" from them on 10/02/10 saying that TTI SPC for SP1 were the ones who wanted the money from me, and quoted an amount to be paid to them by 12/02/10! I decided to write to them using a template of a letter I found through this site, telling them I had no idea who TTI SPC for SP1, or who they were either, let alone any knowledge of the debt. I asked them to let me know what the debt was for, and to provide me with evidence that I was liable. I said if they could provide this, and it was indeed mine, then I would pay it. They wrote back to me last week with address details of a property I used to live in requesting requesting if I could confirm that I lived there and when. This property was the family home, my mother the home owner, and she was the bill payer until I took over the bills, all of which I know I always paid in full. Unfortunately my mother made a number of bad choices which we knew nothing about, which resulted in repossession of the house. I think I know what this debt claim may stem from ( a British Gas Bill of my mothers), but I was under the impression that the matter was closed. It seems that there is a chance that debt has been passed around from company to company, making me less confident that if this is a genuine claim that I will hear the end of it. All this leaves me very wary about freely offering information to these people, but I can't see how this will end. Again I am sorry for the long post, but you seem to be people in the know! Thank you for your time.
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