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Everything posted by SuSu2020

  1. Hi everyone, thanks for all your support. I am fortunate in that I have an excellent mental health team and they help with my benefits. I already get DLA and once they filed my appeal for ESA (originally got 9 points), they said that I had totted up over 60 and hoped that it would be agreed without going to tribunal (But who knows). Doesn't help when I have had no money since two weeks ago, and have to keep trying to make meals for my children (THank god for freezers). It is really hard to try and shield my concerns from my children, they see me cutting my arms and crying and having sudden anxiety/panic attacks. This is having a knock-on effect on them. If these officials really understood the extra damage they are doing, I am sure they themselves would insist that they had the power to research genuine claims in a more thorough way. LET'S HOPE THIS ESA FIASCO CAN BE HIGHLIGHTED - MAYBE A TV PROGRAMME COULD HELP!!!!!
  2. Hi HelenI am so sorry to hear of your problems and my heart goes out to you. The whole system is totally unfair. I struggled to keep my business going throughout my problems and only agreed to being signed off in Feb 2009. This is the 1st time in my life I have needed support and help with benefits (I am in my 40's), and yet I am having to fight for what I am rightfully entitled to, it's ridiculous. I too am used to earning between £20-45,000 and I long to go back to being the person I was. However, I have been told by and ESA/Atos Doctor that this is very unlikely, due to my nervous state and anxieties.If only these people realised that we don't ask and wish to be ill, but unfortunately events in our lives have led us to this point. All we want is the support and help (both professionally and financially) to get better, which can take time. Having to fight to get this is distressing and actually makes us worse. I am having to go to the doctors now for help as I have been 'self harming' for some time now, but more so since this has happened.Good luck Helen with your fight for what is rightfully yours.SuSu xxxx
  3. Thanks Mikey, I am going to speak to my mental health advisor, and see if she can help me. I am in my 40's and this is the 1st time I have not worked and needed benefit help. I am very disheartened by the whole process at the moment. Thanks though anyway. x
  4. Following an Atos medical, the doctor has decided that I am no longer entitled to ESA (I scored 9/15 points, even though she obviously didn't listen to anything in this meeting). I am a single mum of 2 and been ill for 1 year. Had to close my successful business because of PTSD, Anxiety and social fobia problems. Having just completed my 3rd medical (whereby my CPN attended), this new "professional" has said that I no longer have 'limited capability for work'. I have just been to a family party (at my parents home), suffered 2 horrendous panic attacks and cried everythime anyone tried to speak to me. I am a nervous wreck, couldn't even hold a glass of orange juice. I have meetings every week with my CPN, on antidepressants and friends have to take me out. My son is 14 and he is my carer, he helps me get dressed and helps with my 5 yr old. However, according to the Atos assessment, I am fine to work. I will obviously appeal this decision, but having tried to take my own life twice in a year I am feeling very close to that point again. If anyone has some kind advise, Please help.
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