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Everything posted by bluemoose65

  1. Please can anyone help me please. I was advised by letter in December 2011 my arrears totalled £3833.90 I emailed them my offer of £5000 thinking this would be acceptable, however they replied today via email from their L.P.A Appointed Receiver ie Sterling Properties and are now demanding a total of £18627.50 in order to withdraw the property from auction this month i.e. Arrears £3833.90 6 months upfront payments £9393.60 Costs £5400 The auction will take place on 26/1/2012. They are auctioning a house which is let to a tenant, plus a large yard with various lock-up units in it, as they have a charge on the property. I will also loose part of my back garden and my driveway as they have a charge over my house as well. They have already sold another of my properties last year for I think £50,000 (but again they will not supply me with any figures) The Receiver has been intercepting rental income from property they are going to auction plus the lock up units in the rear yard, and I was keeping up to date with payments up to October 2011 when I stopped, as they first tried to put this property up for auction. I have had a nervous breakdown as a result of there actions and I am being treated for depression as I have felt suicidal. I can see no way out of this situation as I have been to the Citizens Advice Bureau and they referred me to The Finance and Leasing Assoc who are supposed to regulate them. However they could not help and they also told me they have no powers to enforce any decision on Lancashire Mortgage Corporation. They said I should try the Financial Ombudsman Service which I have done. However I phoned them today as they said they could not help and I should go back to Finance and Leasing Assoc, I explained I had already been in touch with them and they referred me back to Financial Ombudsman! I feel I am been passed from pillar to post. I have also tried Trading Standards and the Consumer Credit Counselling Services. They advised me to send a Subject Access Report Note or S.A.R.N which I have done via recorded delivery on 11/1/12. This basically asks them to provide copies of all information relating to the accounts, but cannot stop the auction. I dispute the arrears hence the S.A.R.N because Lancashire Mortgage Corporation have yet to give me a breakdown so I can have the chance to scrutinise them. I hope someone can advise me how to proceed in particular how can I stop this auction. The end result if this does go ahead is I will loose my driveway and part of my back garden. The property is to be been auctioned at a guide price of £65k which I believe is about £165 below market value. I will still be responsible for the arrears after the sale of the property, so I assume I will loose my home and be made bankrupt. I see from other posts about a case Peter Benchley v Blemain can anyone advise how I could take Blemain to Court I would do it myself as I cannot afford a solicitor. Please any assistance or advise would be gratefully appreciated. Thank You
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