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Everything posted by pammy54

  1. Hi everyone - I am totally new on here but so desperate to receive some totally impartial advice. I am in arrears with GE MOney (£7k) on mortgage and got in a right mess with various debts, including payday loans (3 in total). I have made decision to go bankrupt but to rent another property will need to keep rent/.deposit as well as bankruptcy fees. I honestly believe I have more than paid my payday loans in interest monthly, etc. How can I avoid them taking the full amounts due on my next pay day at end Feb. Can I change my debit card so they cant access full funds and ring them to suggest a smaller repayment plan. Also, worried they will harrass me at work. I have to put myself first in this and ensure I have somewhere to live when I lose my house. All this stress is so worrying and am not sleeping or eating now. I am trying to hold my job down but worried if phone calls start coming to work that I will be so embarrassed that I will leave. How can I "nicely but firmly" tell Wonga, Payday Express and Cashchoice that I cannot pay them full amount but will make reduced payments. I am hoping that when i go bankrupt that they will come under the creditors list. Many thanks - I hate all of this - never been in this position ever. So so stressful #x
  2. Hi everyone - I am totally new on here but so desperate to receive some totally impartial advice. I am in arrears with GE MOney (£7k) on mortgage and got in a right mess with various debts, including payday loans (3 in total). I have made decision to go bankrupt but to rent another property will need to keep rent/.deposit as well as bankruptcy fees. I honestly believe I have more than paid my payday loans in interest monthly, etc. How can I avoid them taking the full amounts due on my next pay day at end Feb. Can I change my debit card so they cant access full funds and ring them to suggest a smaller repayment plan. Also, worried they will harrass me at work. I have to put myself first in this and ensure I have somewhere to live when I lose my house. All this stress is so worrying and am not sleeping or eating now. I am trying to hold my job down but worried if phone calls start coming to work that I will be so embarrassed that I will leave. How can I "nicely but firmly" tell Wonga, Payday Express and Cashchoice that I cannot pay them full amount but will make reduced payments. I am hoping that when i go bankrupt that they will come under the creditors list. Many thanks - I hate all of this - never been in this position ever. So so stressful #x
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