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  1. Hi Ell, Thanks for your reply, last night I sorted out all my paperwork and retired early as I was exhausted. This morning things look brighter, I had an early phone call from the person I normally speak to at the Building Society and hadn't noticeded the note left with my payment. I've had to do an email with full details of what has happened over the last 10 months or so and it is going to be shown to the aolicitor and accountant at a meeting tomorrow and fingers crossed they will adjourn the hearing, at least for another 2 months and they will review it then. I'm sending them an I&E form later this week when I've managed to get it up to date. I'll keep you posted as to the result, but am starting to prepare the outlines of a defence incase its still going on.
  2. Other thing, should I phone the court and see if I can get it delayed one week because of my illness ?
  3. Hi ell-enn Phoned the mortgage company yesterday and the person I normally speak to, sods law, had a day off, but I scraped around and found some money I had earmarked for something non-essential and paid them £50 as I read that a small payment is better than anything. Am collating the letters from DWP putting them in order, I had 14 letters from them over a 2 week period when they re-arranged it all. I'm going to ring them this afternoon and get them to put a statement in exactly what they paid and didn't and how much was sent to me. Have just got all the papers out and am looking at the defence as I haven't done that yet, thats job after next, first one is typing out my N244 for something to do with my divorce and an ex that can't follow court orders, because when that gets sorted will be able to pay a lump sum off my mortgage.
  4. Help I am in the most awful pickle and am drowning so really need some help. I am a disabled mother with a £40k interest only mortgage and have received a repossession order from my mortgage company via the local county court I have MS and have been ill for the last 10 months or so and the last 4 really been unable to function properly spending a lot of my time in bed so dosed up with medicines have been in zombie mode. I’m now improving due to my GP 3 weeks ago having the courage to fight the system and prescribe the tablets that I used to take but the “establishment” don’t agree with anymore so am now trying to tackle everything I’ve not done because have been unable to do it. Imagine my horror to open a summons for repossession on my house a Court date in 10 days February 18th and am s**t scared. I got out of a D V marriage, fought like hell for everything and now got myself into this mess and through my illness it looks like I am going to lose it Quick précis of my finances. On long term incapacity benefit with DLA, have CSA from ex which he pays most of the time, but at Christmas it came late. Child Tax Credits and Benefit and 10p week Income Support DWP pay part of my mortgage interest every 4 weeks and I have to make up the rest. Problem started in the middle of year when they mucked up the payments, paid me instead of mortgage provider, and DWP told me they were still paying them and of course the interest rates. Then they upset my Incap by trying to consolidate all together and leaving me with half of what I had. It was a complete cock-up! Where do I go from here?
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